Yeti Pass

The primary path to the North, the Yeti Pass was named that many years ago by rangers who encountered a great number of the creatures in the valleys leading to the North. However, these days the pass is filled with even more dangerous creatures, with the Yeti's having been hunted deep into the mountains, it allowed a gathering of other ice and mountain bound monstrosity to emerge. The rangers now keep to their own borders, only really attempting to slay any beast trying to go South into Alton.      The monsters that live in the Yeti Pass are innumerable and dangerous. Most folk in Ardicil would be desperate in order to take the pass, but there have been stories of marauding hordes making it through the pass all the way to the South into Alton. Although rare, Alton has erected a Fort protecting the pass from the North.


The geography of the Yeti Pass is harsh and unforgiving. Jagged rocks and ice shoot upwards, creating a barren and icy ground, while the sheer cliffs allow for regular avalanches to pummel the pass's floor regularly. Any form of cave or shelter in the pass is almost always inhabited with some kind of monster or beast, and constant winds create blizzards on a regular basis.
Mountain Pass
Location under