Solwan Enclave

The Solwan Enclave is in the center of a thick swampland. There is nothing of value here to most outsiders, and those who call the Solwan marshes home want very little to do with them. Just barely southeast of Prester, they are content to be alone, and be left alone. The most notable aspect of the marsh is the enclave, a hidden clan of Firbolgs deep in the wood, protecting a secret they have for centuries. They work in tandem with a small clan of kenku who work to protect them.


The Firbolgs and Kenku are the only real humanoid type creatures within the swamp that are capable of speech. They share the bog with fellow beasts and monstrosities, and generally try to avoid each other. Monstrosities and other aggressive creatures find very little in going after the Firbolgs, and the Enclave simply views them as another layer of defense the Swamp provides in their pursuit of secrecy.


The Enclave lies deep within a swamp thick with humidity and a fog that is hard to penetrate. The near constant buzzing of insects and sound of crickets fills the air. Each step is likely to leave you waist deep in a bog, and travel through this area is difficult and tedious. The population is scarce, save for a handful of natural beasts who live here. Outsiders are not welcome here, and they should be wary if they attempt to go deep in the enclave, as the swamp has a way of swallowing those who mean to do it harm. The enclave of Firbolgs itself is small and out of the way. It could be very is easy to miss without careful looking, as the Firbolgs has become extremely capable at hiding themselves from prying eyes.
Outpost / Base
Location under