
Northguard is the first line of defense Alton has from the northern barbaric tribes that hail from Volksgrad. They guard the one surface pass from the North into Alton itself. The Yeti pass is the only way for Alton to reach the North by land, and for Volksgrad to move south. Because of this, Northguard's existence revolves purely around the military structure of Alton in the area. The only town that exists in Northguard is there purely to help support the military presence that guards the Northern Peaks from incursion from barbarian tribes. They also protect the known passages under the mountain in the underdark. Gloom Stalkers keep watch on any threats coming from under the mountain, while Northguard holds the upper portions.   The town south of Northguard is run down and shoddy. It sprung up as the garrison grew, and serves to support and work in tandem with the military forces there. Within the town lie gambling dens, brothels and all other manner of debauchery, as well as the only merchants in the nearby area. They may not have much to trade here, but it does allow the soldiers to spend their hard earned gold here.


Almost all of Northguard is made up of military personnel. The small amount of people that are not part of the military are those who serve to support the military in Northguard. Soldiers are brought from all over Alton, and while many of them are human, there are a good majority that are elves or half-elves. A small minority of them are halflings, half-orcs, goliaths and dwarves. There are tribes of goliaths who live within the mountains themselves, and they occasionally trade with the local Northguard garrison. There are even rumors of giants living far and high above the garrison, and many a ranger scouting party will often boast of taking one down. Some older much deeper rumors persist of a dragon living even farther into the mountains. All sorts of other monstrosities and aberrations inhabit the mountain as well, and of course there is always the looming threat of raiding parties from Volksgrad.


Field Marshall Theren Hanai, a high elf war mage has long held control of Northguard. His fellow mages help the Altonese soldiers hold the pass with their powerful magic. The entirety of the area is completely under marshal control, with the military hierarchy running everything.


The north side of Northguard is organized into several half-rings set by walls. The most outermost ring is almost 60 feet thick, and between this ring and the second lies only narrow paths between pit traps and siege weapons. The second ring is about half as thick, and behind it, towards the center of the city lie the barracks, mess halls and armories.   Between the third and fourth rings lie black smithies, granaries, and tanneries. Training grounds also lie here, as well as wine houses and ale gardens.   Between the fourth ring and the southward most wall lies a citadel that rises far above the tallest structure in Northguard. It is here where the Field Marshal and his war mages call home.


Jagged peaks permanently crested in snow and ice surround overlook a valley that looks like it was cut by the jagged blade of the gods. At the base of the valley lies a stone citadel, manned by numerous men and women of the Altonian military. The fortress itself sits at the exit of a narrow passage in the Yeti's Pass, where to the south the pass opens to several miles wide. The fortress itself is almost a mile in width and a mile in length. Most of the buildings are made of crude stones and mortar, but towards the south of Northguard, a wooden town has begun to spring up, sheltering the citizen populace necessary to maintain the garrisoned military forces.
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