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Also known as the Jewel of the Sea, the beautiful port-city of Rimora serves as the governmental, artistic, and trade center for the Kingdom of Velant. Established shortly after the Kingdom's founding by the royal Solidor family, Rimora does not boast the imposing architecture or displays of power that older capitals such as Imperia and Victorum do. Instead, Rimora plays on its people's strengths by having some of the most beautiful and intelligently designed infrastructure on Western Arkos; the city itself serving as a display canvas for the people of Velant's craftsmanship.   Rimora has many notable points of interest, including the Promenade which serves as the city's market and guild center, and the grandeur of the Skyline Royal Palace. What most newcomers to Rimora notice first however, whether they arrive by land or sea, is the Weeping Maiden. Carved into the white, northern cliffside of the Solidor Harbor, the Weeping Maiden is a stone depiction of Kaykori Solidor, a previous queen of the Kingdom. Standing at an impressive 150 ft, the queen had the literal weeping statue of herself commissioned after her lover tragically passed, a monument to forever symbolize her devotion and sorrow. The crying sculpture houses a network of catacombs within, and now serves as a landmark that can only be accessed via the harbor.   Other popular destinations within Rimora include the massive Rimora Grand Opera House, and the sprawling grounds of the annual Phoenix Games, a long standing competition that attracts onlookers and athletes from all across Western Arkos.  
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