Azimuth 2 - Session 24 - A Dream of Iron

General Summary

Northern Orcish Plains

The Warden Rangers
The party looked to the newcomers in dark-stained armor and grass cloaks. Some looked with concern, but Demitri recognized them as members of the Warden Rangers, a faction of the Keel’s Band charged with fighting back corruption in the Desecrated Hills and around Keeleon Castle.   Their leader was Ranger General Labb, and older soldier and warguard of New Keeleon. He introduced himself and asked Demitri what had happened. Labb apologized his group didn’t catch up to the ankhegs they were hunting before they reached the road. Demitri told Labb they were the Santeem aid caravan, and Labb said they were expected in New Keeleon.   At Labb’s command, his rangers started to work over the battlefield. They quickly butchered the ankhegs and started burning the bodies in a pyre. One of the medics tended Romsca’s wounds, and another started to ritually cast a spell to draw out small quantities of the ichor from the ground.   During the clean-up, Romulus noted the rangers collecting samples of the spilled ichor and the dirt from the tunnels, and Romulus did the same. He investigated one of the bodies and saw the spreading, cancerous corruption in the ankheg’s body. Based on the effect, he judged the ankhegs had been corrupted for some time.   Demitri learned from Labb there was a suspected agitated ankheg nest to the east somewhere. Something had changed around eight months ago, which caused the ankhegs to range farther with more aggression. Labb stated whatever had recently changed needed to be resolved.   Mortimr watched Labb for any reaction to the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring that Demitri still held, but couldn’t tell anything from the old orc. Demitri returned to the group and put the ring back into the black box. Mortimr thanked him for doing so. Demitri told him, “Mortimr, of course your business is your own, but you need to tell the rest of the group about what we discussed or it will ruin any sort of relationship you have with any of these people.”   Arwin asked Labb why the rangers were collecting samples of the ichor. Labb answered there was an “egghead back in New Keeleon” who was asking for the samples. The Warden Rangers were occupied culling them throughout the area and were having issues getting close enough to Keelon Castle to learn more.   Labb said the group seemed to handle themselves well and offered them work once they were finished with the caravan. He said to both Arwin and Ilmendwyth, “The Rangers could always use a good archer, especially one that can hold their own against these things.” He said to seek him out at the Kiln Garrison if they were interested.   As the rangers continued their work, Captain Ruslan checked in with the party and thanked them for their efforts. They were tired and all settled down for the night, with Gertrude ensuring Romsca made it back to camp.  
Chaka’s Nightmare
As Chaka slept, his dreams were interrupted by a flash of electric green. He found himself at the base of a cliff, with the taste of iron in his mouth and the sounds of combat ahead of him.   As he oriented himself, he reached for parchment and charcoal, but grabbed at his warhammer momentarily first. A human figure from the battle clad in old-looking strange armor and wielding a greataxe noticed Chaka and aggressively started to approach.   Chaka tried to cast Calm Emotions, but it didn’t affect the man. He attacked Chaka with his axe. Chaka then cast Detect Thoughts and heard the man’s murderous thoughts. The man cleaved the greataxe into Chaka’s shoulder and pressed down, slowly killing him.   Meanwhile, Ilmendwyth and Arwin were on watch. They noticed Chaka having a terrible dream and saw a green glow from the back of Chaka’s head. Ilmendwyth tried to shake Chaka awake, but to no effect. The elf started striking Chaka’s helmet.   In the dream, Chaka felt the life leaving him and invigorating his attacker, and with a final strike, Chaka awoke in his tent. Disoriented and panicked, Chaka grabbed his weapon and swung it, missing Ilmendwyth and Arwin and damaging his tent in the process.   Arwin asked to investigate the marking on Chaka’s neck, and Chaka removed his helmet. They recognized the sigil as Draconic, but couldn’t determine its meaning. Arwin thought to wake Demitri, but decided to wait until the next day.  
The Last Full Day
In the morning, the group noticed the Warden Rangers had finished their work and were preparing to leave. They broke camp and continued south in a drizzle, seeing the topography begin to change from the Northern Orcish Plains region to the area of the Desecrated Hills.   Seeing how rough Chaka was after the night, Romsca healed him, Romulus cast Longstrider to aid him, and Gertrude shared her ale. Meanwhile, Arwin informed Demitri about the events of the night and about the marking on Chaka’s neck.   That evening, Demitri asked Chaka about the marking, and he showed it to him. Demitri noted the rune could be part of words meaning “Life” or “Living”, but perhaps could also mean “Death” if inverted.   Demitri asked if Chaka always had the mark, and Chaka said no. He told of a time in his past in the hills of the Drackhan Tundra. Chaka said he should have died. There was a flash of electric green light, and he was seemingly spared. It was after that he first noticed the marking. Though he didn’t know the origins of the mark, Chaka worried that his death had just been postponed instead.   Demitri asked about the dreams. Instead of telling them, Chaka drew them on parchment for the group. From the colors used and the scene portrayed, Demitri felt confident the dream was about The Infinite Battlefield of Dynamia, the Plane of Strength. Chaka’s people worshipped Barduumus, The Battlelord, but they didn’t know what connection that could have with the symbol on Chaka’s neck.   As the party finished preparing for camp, Gertrude thought of home. Today was the start of the Endor Tournaments, and she was homesick. She felt the connection to Chedae slowly becoming more tenuous as they traveled. She saw a lightning bug float around the camp before getting caught in a spiderweb to the west.   The next day, they would arrive in New Keeleon, and Gertrude hoped they would start to get some answers about the fading light.
Report Date
10 Jan 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Time
10 Adroth 5A 352 to 11 Adroth 5A 352