
The deities of the pantheon of Azimuth are extremely powerful beings with the ability to grant powers to mortals and who gain power from mortal worship. The grandest among these are the divine Dragons, though other lesser idols are worshipped as gods by some.

Dragon Deities

After the events of the Severance, the world of Azimuth was left without gods. However, so powerful were those first entities that had occupied the divine realms, echoes of the gods remained. The people of Azimuth still prayed, and these echoes heard these calls.   Flowering from the seeds left behind, new entities began to coalesce. In the Divine Planes, eight new beings were made, given form and function by the faiths of the mortal races and beasts. These eight, great figures of scale and wing and claw would be named the Dragons and form Azimuth's pantheon.  

Former deities

Lesser Deities

Several other lesser idols of near-divine power exist within Azimuth, some of them worshipped like gods. Others are powerful entities able to willingly or unwillingly provide powers and abilities to their worshippers as patrons.  

The Four Great Beasts

The Four Great Beasts are mythical creatures of massive size and power that have roamed Azimuth for all of known history, said to have been made during the Age of Creations. The Four Great Beasts are lesser idols, and some cultures and cults worship them as demigods.  
  • Great Leviathan: The Tidal Great Beast is worshipped like a god by the Lizardfolk of the Lesovo Jungle.
  • Great Phoenix: The Ignited Great Beast is worshipped like a god by the Aarakocra of Mount Huma.
  • Great Tempest: The Gusting Great Beast is worshipped like a god by the Aarakocra of the Roc Cliffs.
  • Great Behemoth: The Quaking Great Beast is worshipped like a god by the desert peoples of the Flat Peaks Desert.

The Primordial Elementals

The Primordial Elementals are a mythical group of lesser idols said to have created the physical world of Azimuth. They are effectively lesser gods of the pantheon, and some cults, like the Prophets of Regression, worship them as full deities.  
  • Azur’tinax, The Emperor of Air, The Feldgrau Gale: The Primordial ruler of the Plane of Air.
  • Zi’magro, The Monarch of Water, The Hydrotic Wellspring: The Primordial ruler of the Plane of Water.
  • Mus’meno, The Overlord of Earth, The Sinoper Muse: The Primordial ruler of the Plane of Earth.
  • Therm’askev, The Sovereign of Fire, The Burning Architect: The Primordial ruler of the Plane of Fire.

Other Lesser Idols

  • World Tree: Some Wood Elves hold reverence exclusively for the World Tree itself, for it is older than the Dragons are.
Deity   Planes
Divine Planes
Material Plane