

Fighters learn the basics of all combat styles, from swinging an axe to fencing with a rapier, from using a bow to trapping with nets. Likewise, a fighter is adept with shields and every form of armor. Beyond that basic degree of familiarity, each fighter develops a certain style to their combat, normally focusing on one specific trait or weapon. Some concentrate on archery, some on fighting with two weapons at once, and some on augmenting their martial skills with magic. The sheer versatility of a fighter makes them superior combatants on and off the battlefield.  
  • Choose from 4 subclasses, each with its own unique set of abilities
  • Any race, any personality, any land will have fighters



Battle Master

Battle Masters employ martial techniques passed down through generations. To a Battle Master, combat is an academic field, sometimes including subjects beyond battle such as weaponsmithing and calligraphy. Not every fighter absorbs the lessons of history, theory, and artistry that are reflected in the Battle Master archetype, but those who do are well-rounded fighters of great skill and knowledge.  


Superiority Dice
You have six superiority dice, which are D8's. You gain 2 additional dice at each level of mastery after novice. You regain all of your expended superiority dice every short rest. Superiority Dice are used to activate combat maneuvers.   When a maneuver requires a saving throw, your Superiority DC is 14+Mastery.
Combat Maneuvers
Battle Masters get two maneuvers at Novice.   Commanding Presence: Select up to 3 targets within 5 tiles. Expend 1 Superiority Die to gain +1 to WIS and CHA saving throws until their next rest. This ability can be activated before initiative is rolled in PvP intent unless ambushed or activating another Battlemaster Maneuver.   Exploit Weakness: Spend a bonus action to grant yourself a +3 bonus to your attack score until you make your first successful attack. After making a successful hit, you spend a superiority die and add true damage equal to your superiority dice roll to the damage roll.
Battle Strategy
You gain +1 initiative and +1 to your INT Saving throws.
Specialist Maneuvers
Pick two maneuvers to add to your list of combat maneuvers, as well as gaining 2 more Superiority Die. Strikes are only able to be used once per turn.   Entangling Strike: By spending a bonus action, the Battlemaster may force a target creature within 1 tile of them to make a STR Saving throw versus their Superiority DC. If the target fails, the Battlemaster rolls a superiority dice and deals true damage to the target equal to the roll, as well as spending a superiority die to entangle the target for 1 round.   Rally: Select 3 target within 15 tiles and expend 1 Superiority Die. They gain 8 temporary hitpoints and +1 Initiative. This effect lasts until the target's next rest.   Evasive Footwork: On your turn, you may expend one superiority die as a bonus action to increase your movement speed by 2 tiles, as well as gaining +2 to your DEX Saving Throws, for three rounds. This ability may be activated before initative is rolled in a PvP intetion unless ambushed or activating another Battlemaster Maneuver.   Parry: When another creature damages you with a melee attack, you may spend your reaction and a superiority dice to heal an amount of HP equal to 1d8+the Caster's DEX Modifier.   Pushing Attack: When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can attempt to reposition the target. Force the target creature to roll a STR Saving throw versus your Superiority DC. On a failed roll, the battle master spends a superiority die and deals true damage to the target equal to the roll, and moves the target 2 tiles in the direction of the Fighter's choice. The battlemaster then follows up to remain in contact with the target, this does not provoke attacks of opportunity.   Disarming Strike: You have turned battle into an artform and mastered the maneuvering of blade and body in your practice. After landing a successful weapon attack, force the same target to make a STR saving throw against your Superiority DC. On a failed save, you expend 1 Superiority Die and they take 1d8 True damage and are Disarmed until they take the appropriate Pickup Weapon Action. If they are dual wielding, this removes both weapons.   Exposing Strike: When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can attempt to expose the target. Force the target creature to roll a WIS Saving throw vs your Superiority DC. On a failed roll, the battle master spends a superiority die and deals true damage to the target equal to the roll, and the target suffers -2 AC and -1 to saves for 2 rounds.   Menacing Strike: When the Battlemaster hits a creature with a weapon attack, they may force the target creature to roll a Wisdom saving throw versus the battlemaster's Superiority DC. On a failed saving throw, the Battlemaster spends a superiority dice to Frighten the target creature for 2 rounds, and inflict true damage equal to a superiority dice roll.   Muting Strike: When the Battlemaster hits a creature with a weapon attack, they may force the target creature to roll a Constitution saving throw versus the battlemaster's Superiority DC. On a failed saving throw, the Battlemaster spends a superiority dice to Silence the target creature for 1 round, and inflict true damage equal to a superiority dice roll.
Additional Maneuvers
Pick two additional maneuvers to add to your list of combat maneuvers, as well as gaining 2 more Superiority Die.
Superior Tactician
Gain an additional +2 Superiority Die for a total of 4 and gain one additional maneuver.



Champions focus on the development of raw physical power honed to deadly perfection. Those who model themselves on this archetype combine rigorous training with physical excellence to deal devastating blows.  


Critical Strike
When you make a melee attack with your mainhand weapon you add one extra damage dice.
Warrior's Ethos
The Champion may use their Warrior's Ethos to cleanse themselves of Paralyzed, Entangled, Sleep, Dominated, or Charmed Effects once per short rest as a Free Action.
Trained Experience
Gain +1 movement and an additional fighting style.
Remarkable Athlete
You gain +2 to your Athletics skill and may use Remarkable Athlete on your turn as a free action to dispel the Prone status without spending the required 2 movement.
Champion's Spirit
As a free action immediately after being hit, heal yourself for 5+Con hit points and gain +2 DT for 2 turns. Once per short rest.
Warrior Champion
Warrior’s Ethos gains an additional charge and Champion’s Spirit gains an additional +2 healing, and another +1 DT.


Eldritch Knight

Eldritch Knight combines the martial mastery common to all fighters with a careful study of magic. Eldritch Knights use magical techniques similar to those practiced by wizards. They focus their study on two of the eight schools of magic: abjuration and evocation. These knights learn a comparatively small number of spells, committing them to memory instead of keeping them in a spellbook.   Eldritch Knights use Intelligence for their Spellcasting Modifier.  


Spell List
Detect Magic

Magic Circle
Expanded Arcana
At each Expert and Master, select 1 spell from the following List:
Expeditious Retreat
Flesh to Stone
Ice Storm
Ray of Sickness
Disarm Immunity
You cannot be disarmed.
War Magic
As a free action and for 1 Spell Point after casting a spell; the Eldritch Knight gains +2 force damage on their melee attacks for the rest of the turn.
Arcane Preparation
Add your INT bonus to initiative.
Bound Throw
Spend 1 Spell Point and select 1 target within 5 tiles. Make an attack against their AC. If successful, they take 2d8+Spellcasting Modifier Thunder damage and the caster teleports directly in front of the target. The caster does not teleport on a missed attack, and the weapon is recalled to their hand. This attack benefits from War Magic and Cantrips which improve accuracy. This ability can be used once per short rest.   This is a free action that can not be used in conjunction with any free action attacks or Elemental Cascade.
Elemental Cascade
You infuse your bound weapon with elemental energy from many runes. Your bound weapon is imbued with the power of the elements. As an action, spend 1 Spell Point and select 1 target within 2 tiles. Make an attack against their AC. If successful, they take 1d6+1 of each Fire, Cold, Lightning and Thunder damage. Half damage is taken on a resisted attack. This ability can be used once per short rest.   This may not be used in conjunction with Bound Throw.
Arcane Warrior
War Magic gains +1 additional force damage. Bound Throw and Elemental Cascade add mastery force damage.


Arcane Archer

An Arcane Archer studies a unique elven method of archery that weaves magic into attacks to produce supernatural effects. Arcane Archers are some of their most elite warriors among the elves. They stand watch over the fringes of elven domains, keeping a keen eye out for trespassers and using magic-infused arrows to defeat monsters and invaders before they can reach elven settlements. Over the centuries, the methods of these elf archers have been learned by members of other races who can also balance arcane aptitude with archery.  


Arcane Quiver
You have 3 Arcane Shots. You gain 2 additional shots at Expert and another 2 at Master. Once per turn when you fire an arrow from a ranged weapon, you can apply one of your Arcane Shot options to that arrow. You decide to use the option when the arrow hits the target unless directed otherwise. All Arcane Shot Options count as Bonus Actions, unless stated otherwise. You regain all of your expended Arcane Shots every long rest.   If an option requires a saving throw, your Arcane Shot save DC equals 10+INT modifier.
Arcane Shots I
Arcane Archers get two Arcane Shot abilities at Novice.   Enfeebling Arrow Bonus Action: You weave necrotic energy into your arrow. When a creature is struck by your arrow, they take an additional 1d6+Mastery Necrotic damage and are forced to make a CON saving throw. On a failed save, they are slowed until the end of their turn.     Piercing Arrow Bonus Action: Before making an attack, you weave transmutation magic into your arrow. Preparing your arrow in this way allows it to pass through objects, allies, and enemies to strike your chosen target without having a line of sight, until the end of your turn. While this effect is active, your arrows also deal 1d6 extra Force damage.
Magical Arrows
While using a Ranged Weapon, your attacks count as Magical, overcoming Mundane Resistances. Furthermore, you gain +1 to Attack and +4 True damage while using a ranged weapon.
Arcane Shots II
Curving Arrow
Bonus Action: By weaving Transmutation magic into your arrow, you’ve learned to direct it mid-flight. After missing an attack, you may choose to redirect it towards the same enemy, or towards a different enemy. Using this ability rolls a new attack against your chosen target.   Whistling Arrow
Bonus Action: By infusing illusion magic into your arrow, you cause it to make an awful whistling sound, spreading fear amongst your enemies. After making an attack, select up to 3 targets within 10 tiles. Force them each to make a WIS saving throw. On a failed save, they become Frightened until the end of their turn.
Arcane Shots III
Bursting Arrow
Bonus Action: You imbue your arrow with evocation magic, causing it to burst upon impact. Select 1 target within 10 tiles. All creatures within 2 tiles of the target are forced to make a DEX Saving Throw or take 1d6+Mastery Piercing Damage and 2d6 Fire Damage.   Toxic Arrow
Bonus Action: You imbue your arrow with conjuration magic. Upon successfully hitting a target, force them to make CON saving throw. On a failed save, they take 2d6+Mastery Poison damage and become Blighted until the end of their turn. Half damage and no status effect on a successful save.   Grasping Arrow
Bonus Action: You imbue your arrow with primal magic, causing it to create poisonous brambles on impact. When a creature is struck by your arrow, force them to make a CON saving throw. On a failed save, they take 1d6+Mastery Poison damage and are Entangled for 1 turn, and take 1d6 Piercing damage for 3 turns. Half damage and no status effects taken on a successful save.
Master Worked Quiver
Your quiver has become imbued with Masterful magics. Once per twelve hours, if you roll initiative with four or fewer charges of Arcane Shot, gain two charges back for the duration of the combat. Furthermore, all your ranged weapon attacks deal an additional 2 Force damage.

In testing and subject to change

Combative Perks

Fighting Style
You are able to select from the list of available fighting styles. You cannot choose the same fighting style twice if your class, race, or a feat gives you an additional fighting style.   Defense: AC +1   Archery: +2 Physical Accuracy when wielding a ranged weapon   Dueling: +2 Physical Damage when wielding a single, 1-handed, melee weapon. Versatile weapons count as 1-handed weapons no matter their wielded configuration.   Great Weapon Fighting: +2 Physical Damage when wielding a 2H melee weapon.   Two Weapon Fighting: Attacks made with off-hand weapons now add the appropriate (Strength or Dexterity) attribute bonuses to damage rolls made with that weapon.
Second Wind
As a bonus action on your turn, you can heal 12 + your Constitution modifier. This may be used once per short rest.
Action Surge
Once per short rest you can take a second action as a free action.
Hit Dice
You gain +8 HP when you first become a Fighter. On each new mastery level, you gain an additional +8 to your Hit Points.
Fighter Feat
Gain an additional feat of your choice from the Combat Feats list.
Conditioned Body
Your Constitution and Strength saving throws increase by +1
Additional Hit I
Gain +1 to your chance to hit with martial weapons.
Extra Attack
Once per round, you may make another weapon attack as a Free Action.
As a free action, gain +1 to all saving throws for 3 rounds. This can be used once per short rest.
Additional Hit II
Gain +1 to your chance to hit with martial weapons.
Indomitable II
Gain +1 to all saving throws for 3 rounds. This grants another use, permitting for two per short rest in combination with Indomitable I. This is a free action.
Additional Hit III
Gain +1 to your chance to hit with martial weapons.

Non-Combative Perks

Armor Proficiency
You can use any armor and shields.