
Race Information

"Amidst the shadows of the Underdark, we svirfneblin have learned that strength lies not in brute force but in adaptability and cunning. We navigate the unseen paths, our knowledge and skill as our shield, and our unity as our most potent weapon."
— Nymarra Stonecloak, Svirfneblin Master Artificer of Blingdenstone
  The Svirfneblin, also known as deep gnomes, are a unique subrace of gnomes residing in the perilous depths of Faerûn's Underdark. Characterized by their exceptional stealth, keen intelligence, and adaptability, they have cultivated a society that is both secretive and highly self-reliant.    


Svirfneblin communities are tightly-knit and meticulously organized, prioritizing collective survival and well-being. Living in the treacherous Underdark has honed their discretion and caution. These gnomes are industrious and practical, with a strong work ethic.   Their settlements, including their principal city Blingdenstone, are ingeniously concealed and fortified within the Underdark's rock formations. These gnomes excel in mining and gem-cutting, extracting precious materials from the depths. They also possess a notable proficiency in crafting intricate stonework and metal items. Illusion magic is a staple of their defense strategies, guarding their homes against intruders.    


The largest svirfneblin settlement, known for its skilled artisans.  
Great Bhaerynden:
An ancient, historically significant deep gnome city beneath the Shaar.  
The Deep Wastes:
A network of tunnels where svirfneblin communities thrive around key resources.   These regions represent the adaptability and tenacity of the Svirfneblin, a race carving out existence amidst the Underdark's dangers.    


Svirfneblin maintain a guarded stance towards other races, a necessity imposed by the Underdark's dangers. While they share cautious relations with surface gnomes, they are generally hostile towards malevolent Underdark denizens like drow. Alliances may be formed with other benevolent races in the Underdark for mutual defense.   Svirfneblin, also known as deep gnomes, are a subterranean race known for their reclusive nature and exceptional skills in illusion and stealth. Living primarily in the Underdark, their views on other races are shaped by their environment and experiences. Here's how Svirfneblin typically view various races in Faerûn:  
Drow (Dark Elves):
Svirfneblin generally view drow with suspicion and wariness due to their past conflicts and the drow's reputation for cruelty and enslavement. Relations between these two races are often tense, with deep gnomes avoiding drow whenever possible.  
Duergar (Gray Dwarves):
Similar to their relations with the drow, Svirfneblin are cautious and mistrustful of duergar. The history of conflict and the duergar's harsh and expansionist nature contribute to this strained relationship.  
Surface Gnomes (Rock Gnomes, Forest Gnomes):
Svirfneblin often view surface gnomes with a mix of curiosity and distant kinship. While they share a common ancestry, the vast differences in their lifestyles and environments create a gap that is hard to bridge.  
The relationship with surface dwarves is usually neutral or cautiously positive. Svirfneblin respect the dwarves' craftsmanship and their ability to survive in the Underdark, though interactions are rare.  
Humans and Elves:
Svirfneblin have limited interaction with surface races like humans and elves. When they do encounter them, their approach is usually one of caution mixed with curiosity, as long as these races don't pose an immediate threat.  
Orcs and Goblinoids:
Svirfneblin view these races as potential threats due to their aggressive and often destructive nature. Encounters with orcs and goblinoids in the Underdark are usually hostile.  
Mind Flayers (Illithids):
Svirfneblin are extremely wary of mind flayers, viewing them as dangerous and malevolent. Avoidance is the preferred strategy, as mind flayers are known for enslaving other races.  
These enigmatic and powerful creatures are generally feared and avoided by Svirfneblin. Their unpredictable nature and powerful abilities make them a significant threat in the Underdark.  
Other Underdark Races (Myconids, Quaggoths, etc.):
Svirfneblin interactions with other Underdark races vary. They may form alliances with races like myconids, who are generally peaceful, but are cautious with more aggressive or unpredictable races.  
Tieflings and Aasimar:
Svirfneblin may be curious about Tieflings and Aasimar due to their unusual origins, but their interactions are likely to be cautious and based on individual behavior rather than race.    

Physical Qualities

Deep gnomes are small humanoids, averaging 3 to 3.5 feet in height and weighing around 40 to 45 pounds. Their skin tones are grayish, aiding concealment in shadowy environments, and their eyes are adapted for low-light conditions. Hair is sparse, often white or gray, and their facial features are more pronounced than their surface relatives.    

RP Guide

Cautious and Secretive:
Emphasize your character's inherent wariness and discretion, traits shaped by the Underdark's constant threats.  
Portray a strong sense of community and collective responsibility, reflecting the svirfneblin's survivalist culture.  
Practical and Industrious:
Showcase your character's practicality and resourcefulness, along with a natural inclination towards problem-solving.  
Illusion Magic:
Utilize illusion magic creatively, reflecting your character's innate magical abilities.  
Underdark Adaptation:
Emphasize your character's proficiency in navigating and surviving in the Underdark's challenging terrain.  
Skilled Artisan:
Highlight your character's expertise in mining, gem-cutting, or crafting, integral aspects of svirfneblin culture.

Civilization and Culture


Svirfneblin history is a testament to resilience in the face of Underdark's hostilities. They have developed unique skills and societal structures for survival, balancing the need for secrecy with the challenges of a subterranean life.    


Svirfneblin primarily revere Callarduran Smoothhands, the deity of mining and the deep earth. This worship underscores their resilience and connection to the Underdark. They also respect other gnome deities, such as Garl Glittergold and Segojan Earthcaller.


Kit Items
elfears smallmk1
Elven Ears (Small) [A]
Elven Ears II (Small) [A]
(T) Small Elf Ear (Left)
(T) Small Elf Ear (Right)
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Right
elfears smallmk2
90cm - 110cm   Lifespan:
220 - 250 (maturity at 25)   Starting Language(s):
Common, Gnomish, Undercommon   Suggested Alignment:
Neutral Good   Racial Tension(s):
Drow, Duergar


Ability Scores:
+1 Intelligence

Saving Throws:
+1 Intelligence, +1 Charisma, and +1 Wisdom

Damage Resistance:



This creature may move through other creatures in combat as if they were not there. This does not protect this creature from Attacks of Opportunity.
Gift of the Svirfneblin
You gain access to the Disguise Self spell.
This creature can see in the dark.