
Redding was once a massive mining and ranching town within the New California Republic, with over 70,000 residents. Until 2260, during the NCR-Brotherhood War, when the Brotherhood of Steel raided the city as part of their plan to destabilize the NCR. It succeeded tremendously, as Redding was the sight where NCR mined their gold reserves for their currency, and the nearby fort, Fort Aradesh, was where those reserves were stored. In order to cripple NCR for as long as they believed the war would last, they placed plasma bombs in the mines, and disintegrated the mining equipment in a flashpoint operation. The ensuing financial crisis crippled NCR for far longer, even by 2300 their currency never recovered, neither did Redding. With no industry, or the cash to restart said industry, the once booming town of Redding nearly disintegrated. The only attempt to turn around Redding's fortunes was in 2282, when disgraced NCR Ranger Chief Hanlon returned to his home there. He campaigned vehemently against then Senator Lucinda Bailey for her seat, but was assassinated by a disgruntled former Ranger near the end of the year. As of 2300 Redding was only a couple dozen people, with Jet being a major problem among them.


Redding is a collection of about 15 scrap metal, and stucco shacks.
Founding Date
Location under
Owning Organization


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