
Reno, also known as "Vegas , But Worse" is the capital of the New California Republic state of the same name. Reno, despite being a part of the New World's "Beacon of Democracy" is a cesspool of vice, crime, and absolute sin. Unlike Vegas, where the various families are held in check by one another and the Courier, Reno has no checks and balances. Daily, the mobs strike out at one another in some way, whether it be murder, arson, or some sort of implication, they never let the other syndicates have the chance to overtake them. Once again, unlike Vegas, brothels are not exclusive to casinos, but open and readily available, rarely checking the ages of their customers or workers, prostitutes are on every corner, and without any of the same protections that working girls get in Vegas. Rampant in Reno is drug use, as the city is the site of the creation of Jet, but countless other chem labs dot the city, the ruling mobs regularly get their workers and prostitutes hooked on such things to keep them controlled. Reno's infrastructure is also almost all pre-war, with all new constructions being made of scrap metal, it has had no overhaul, almost every building is a hazard. Overdoses and other sex crimes happen regularly without pursuance, as the mob earns exorbitant amount of money through extortion to keep these crimes quiet, not to mention the amount of people they'll have in their pockets with this method as well. Young folk with any common sense look for any chance to get out Reno they can, all others end up a part of the cesspool, one way or another.
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