Hangman's Road

Hangman's Road, a foreboding and heavily guarded strip of pavement that snakes its way through the borderlands between Kalach and Avalor, is an infamous and chilling place in the realm of Maeon. This road is a stark testament to the tense and often adversarial relationship between the kalachian's and those surroudning them.   The origins of the road's ominous name lie in the grim practice of the elves of Kalach. On their side of Hangman's Road, trees bearing the fruits of their recent hunts. These "hanging trees" are the site of the elven kingdom's ominous warnings. The elves of Kalach use Hangman's Road as a grisly means of dissuading any unworthy prey from entering their lands. As those who would be foolish enough to ignore these warnings much be worthy for the hunt.   Anyone caught crossing the road into Kalach are designated as prey and are then hunted. The entirety of the population of Kalach go out to kill or capture the trespassing party, if captured they are salyed outright or are captured for a more grim fate as The Gallow's Tree constantly hungers for more sacrifices.   The kingdom of Avalor has long been cautious of this eerie and dangerous border. The Avalorian authorities caution their citizens against venturing into Kalach without proper authorization, emphasizing the grisly consequences that may befall them. It has gotten to the point where they have had to create a special military unit known as the All Seeing Sentiles. These The sentinels are trained specifically to guard Hangman's Road, and only those with a strong profeciency in archery and stealth are selected for the unit. They patrol the area vigilantly, ensuring that any intruders are swiftly apprehended and dealt with. The road is well-maintained, with a distinct lack of underbrush or obstacles, making it difficult for travelers to hide or evade capture.
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