

The population of Gruneim consist mainly of warriors and hunters. A small amount of individuals find themselves having rolls as cooks or builders.


As the nation of Avalor continued its expansion, an increasing number of discontented northerners grew disillusioned with the Mayday royal family's neglect. Among them was a young and valiant warrior by the name of Grun Halvorson. His disillusionment reached its peak after witnessing the suffering of his fellow northerners during a particularly brutal winter, a suffering seemingly ignored by the empire of Avalor. In his quest for justice and vengeance on behalf of the starving and the dead, Grun turned to the god Ma'kata, beseeching the deity for the strength needed to rectify these injustices.   Setting out on a perilous journey, Grun ventured southward into the treacherous expanse of The Infernal Dust, guided by legends that spoke of the fabled Oasis known as Ma'kata's Blood. There, beneath the unforgiving sun and amid the crimson sands, he discovered the legendary waters. Upon taking a sip, he felt a transformative surge of power coursing through his veins. It not only enhanced his physical might but also bestowed upon him an innate comprehension of elemental magics, particularly those tied to Ice and Electricity. With these newfound abilities, he left the scorching desert behind, returning to the northern realms.   Grun Halvorson, now imbued with both divine strength and an indomitable spirit, began rallying the strongest and most impassioned warriors from the villages scattered across the vast expanse of The Giant's Spine. These formidable yet untamed barbaric tribes answered his call, drawn by the promise of a brighter future and the chance to break free from the oppressive grip of the empire of Avalor.   United under the banner of Grunheim, this newly formed city-state stood as a testament to the courage and determination of those who had long endured neglect and suffering. Avalor after only 3 years of conflict surrenderd, with this vicotry Grunheim became a symbol of hope, a bastion of independence, and a lasting tribute to the warrior who, through unwavering determination and divine blessings, freed his people from the shackles of a negligent empire.
Founding Date
700 IE
Alternative Name(s)
Barbarians Havem
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under