History of Maeon

I'm probably going to die making this

Before Illumination

4000 BI 0 BI

The Astral Sea is Empty, Slowly Gods are born and from their acts, so is the realm as we know it.

  • -4000 BI

    Celestial / Cosmic

    In the beginning the universe was bare and empty, only the flickering of the stars illuminated the once stagnant realm. Eventually as the stars eventually collapsed upon themselves a god representing that light rose from their ashes. That god took the name Ionar. After his birth the great god noticed the emptiness around him and began to create the different realms, Beginning with his own known as Elysium, then moving on to the material plane. Where after many a year, life began to form.

  • -1700 BI

    -1300 BI

    Creation Of Saleth
    Geological / environmental event

    A contest was had between two ancient Storm Giants. These brothers built up a landmess through tossing mountains and islands away from the coast of Aelotas. After years of this contest being conducted a new continent was made.

    Storm Giant
  • -1600 BI

    Birth Of The Yuan-TI
    Geological / environmental event

    Through Divine Influence the Yuan-TI were created from the primordial serpents of Maeon.

  • -1550 BI

    -1450 BI

    The Elven Yuan-Ti Conflict
    Military: War

    The Yuan-Ti/ Vishkanya and Elves began a conflict that would span houndreds of years. At the end of this war, very few Yuan-Ti/ Vishkanya would remain. After these actions the snake folk would be seen more like a myth then a reality to those inhabiting Maeon in the future.

  • -1450 BI

    Angren's Invasion of Saleth
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Demonic Hordes of Carach Angren were pushed back into Angren's Rift by the combined forces of the people of Saleth. The hero Finn Chull defeated his brother Halvdan The Black at The Giant's Spine mountain range, ending any possibility of the demon's return.

  • -1000 BI

    Kasander Of The Black Sun is Born
    Life, Birth

    Kasander of the black sun is born in the country of Lycera.

Illuminated Era

0 BI 1999 IE

Many Nations have sprouted, and with these empires come grand adventurers, as well as great cataclysms.

  • 720 IE

    Death Of Mordoc Selanmere
    Life, Death

    The Party of Ingram Selanmere, Thalgur Brammun, Axel Axen't, Lumin Caelus, and Sakimodo succeeded in slaying the vampire lord Mordoc Selanmere as well as his legions of Undead. As a result, they saved Maeon from becoming a world of darkness.

  • 875 IE

    Kasander Conquers The Kingdom Of Brass.
    Military action

    Kasander Of the Black Sun successfully invades the kingdom of brass. Petrifying King Axel Axen't as well as Thalgur Brammun.

  • 925 IE

    Start of The Black Sun Campaign
    Military action

  • 927 IE

    927 IE

    The Destruction of The Black Sun

    The Black Sun, has finally been erased from the many realms of Maeon. With the aid of the gods a group of heroes ascended to the Astral Sea and battled the avatar of this force of destruction.