Drokter Stalward

Drokter Stalward, the resolute Lord Magistrate and esteemed ruler of Xianshui, is a staunch defender of his vital town and the mighty Celestial Wall. Known for his deep friendship with Varthrad Tazlan, their constant communication serves as a testament to their shared commitment to the defense and safety of Raishar. Drokter's fervent and unwavering dedication to his duties as a ruler is evident in his tireless efforts to fortify Xianshui and maintain the strength of the wall.   Drokter's unwavering pride in his town and its strategic significance fuels his zealousness to protect it at all costs. He is a stalwart figure, instilling a sense of determination and loyalty within the ranks of his soldiers and the people of Xianshui. His unwavering belief in the importance of their mission drives him to push his limits and expect the same level of commitment from those under his command.   However, Drokter's zealous nature can sometimes cloud his judgment and lead to clashes with other leaders who may hold different perspectives or approaches to defense strategies. His unyielding devotion to his own ideas and the relentless pursuit of his vision can create tension within collaborative efforts. Despite this flaw, Drokter's dedication to the protection of Xianshui remains unwavering, and his unwavering resolve often inspires those around him to strive for excellence in their own roles.   The bond between Drokter and Varthrad Tazlan, built on trust and shared objectives, serves as a pillar of strength in coordinating the defense of Xianshui and the Celestial Wall. Their frequent communication and collaborative decision-making ensure that both the strategic and practical aspects of defense are taken into account. Drokter values Varthrad's insights and expertise, relying on his advice to refine their strategies and adapt to ever-changing threats.   As the ruler of Xianshui, Drokter Stalward commands respect and admiration from his subordinates and the townsfolk alike. His unwavering pride, unyielding determination, and deep camaraderie with Varthrad make him a complex figure in the realm of leadership. Though his zealousness may occasionally create challenges, his fierce loyalty to his town and his unshakable resolve to defend Raishar solidify his position as a respected and influential ruler within the realm of Xianshui and the Celestial Wall.
Year of Birth
1126 PC 57 Years old
Ruled Locations


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