
The Eradaclists are a fanatical order dedicated to the eradication of magic in Rheiknor. They firmly believe that magic is the cause of the catastrophic Mist Storms that plague the land and seek to eliminate all magic users and magic items as a means to restore balance and stability to the realm. The Eradaclists view magic as a dangerous and corrupting force that leads to chaos and destruction. They are relentless in their pursuit, employing various tactics to identify and hunt down magic users, including spies, informants, and infiltration. The Eradaclists are known for their ruthless methods, showing no mercy in their quest to eliminate what they perceive as a grave threat to the world. They possess an unwavering conviction in their cause, willing to go to extreme lengths to achieve their goal, even if it means resorting to violence and bloodshed. Their existence poses a significant challenge and danger to the Praelon Var and all magic practitioners in Rheiknor, as they are driven by an unyielding belief that their mission is a righteous one.   The Eradaclists derive their power and ideology from the enigmatic substance known as Arcanhile. This extraordinary material possesses the unique property of nullifying or suppressing magic, making it a potent weapon against magic users and magical artifacts. The Eradaclists have harnessed the power of Arcanhile to fuel their technological advancements and create devices capable of countering and neutralizing magical forces. This gives them a distinct advantage in their mission to eradicate magic from Rheiknor.   As devout fanatics, the Eradaclists are relentless in spreading their extremist teachings. They actively preach their beliefs in regions where they face minimal persecution, such as Miscrea and the Dhandoruhl Technate. Their charismatic leaders and persuasive rhetoric have allowed them to gain a foothold and steadily expand their influence. They exploit areas where distrust of magic runs deep, appealing to those who view magic as a source of chaos and danger.   While the Eradaclists face resistance and opposition in some regions, they have made significant progress in gaining acceptance and support in others. In places like Osland , they are no longer considered a criminal organization but rather seen as a legitimate force combating the perceived threats of magic. In Aeshar, they maintain a neutral stance, finding common ground with factions that share their concerns about the potential dangers of unchecked magic.   With their access to Arcanhile and growing influence, the Eradaclists pose a formidable challenge to the Praelon Var and all magic practitioners in Rheiknor. Their zealotry and utilization of anti-magic technology make them a dangerous and determined enemy, as they continue to preach their fanatical doctrines and seek to reshape the world by eradicating the very essence of magic itself.


Archon: The Archon is the highest-ranking member of the Eradaclists, wielding absolute authority over all aspects of the order. They serve as the supreme leader and chief strategist, responsible for guiding the Eradaclists in their mission to eradicate magic. The Archon formulates policies, directs all operations, and ensures the order's vision is upheld. Their decisions are absolute, and they are seen as the embodiment of the Eradaclists' unwavering conviction.   Inquisitor-General: The Inquisitor-Generals hold the second-highest rank in the Eradaclists and serves as the right hands to the Archon. They are responsible for executing the order's strategies, leading inquisitions and purges, and overseeing the eradication of magic users. Inquisitor-Generals command the order's forces, coordinate missions, and report directly to the Archon.     Aethrists: Aethrists are senior members tasked with overseeing specific regions or territories. They ensure the Eradaclists' goals are met within their assigned areas, maintain discipline among members, and execute anti-magic operations. They report to the Inquisitor-General and play a vital role in the order's expansion.   Arcanbane: Arcanbanes are the dedicated enforcers of the Eradaclists' doctrine. They actively participate in missions to identify, capture, or eliminate magic users, as well as locate and dismantle magical artifacts. Arcanbanes carry out investigations, conduct raids, and report to their respective Inquisitor-General. They appear more machine than man, armed with the deadliest of equipment powered by Arcanhile.    Servitor: Servitors are the newest members of the Eradaclists, having just joined the order. They undergo intense training, indoctrination, and preparation for the Eradaclists' fanatical cause. Servitors study the order's teachings, develop their anti-magic skills, and follow orders from higher-ranking members. They have yet to prove themselves fully within the order's ranks.
Religious, Cult


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