
The Sultanate of Aeshar stands as a testament to human resilience and adaptability amidst the harsh and unforgiving environment of The Shaedrem Desert. Founded during the tumultuous period of the War of the Pale, Aeshar emerged as a refuge for those seeking solace and a new beginning beyond the blood-stained lands of the conflict. Led by the Sultan, currently Shariq Al-Nazeem, the kingdom thrives against the odds, carving out a unique place for itself amidst the arid dunes and relentless sun.   Situated along the northern coast of the continent where the Sulfur Sea and the North Sea converge, Aeshar's cities and towns serve as beacons of civilization amidst the barren desert. The Aeshari people have mastered the art of adapting to their surroundings, harnessing the scarce resources available to sustain their way of life. They have become skilled fishers, adept at navigating the treacherous coastal waters and reaping the bounties of the sea.   One of the notable strengths of Aeshar lies in its maritime capabilities. Their ships, renowned for their speed and agility, rival even the Oslan sloops in their ability to navigate the open waters. This maritime prowess facilitates trade, serving as a lifeline for the kingdom's economy and ensuring a steady supply of resources not readily available within the confines of the desert.   Aeshar is famous for its glass forges, where master artisans shape intricate designs and create stunning glassworks. This craftsmanship has garnered admiration and recognition throughout Rheiknor, with Aeshari glassware being highly sought after and prized as works of art.   While Aeshar thrives in the face of adversity, it is not without its challenges. The proximity of the Shaedrem Desert to the Rim, despite the vast waters that separate the two, exposes Aeshar to the frequent onslaught of Mist Storms. These unpredictable phenomena bring with them the ever-present threat of monstrous creatures and the intrusion of otherworldly beings. The Aeshari people have developed a keen sense of vigilance and resilience to combat these dangers, fortifying their cities and bolstering their defenses to withstand the harsh realities of living on the desert's edge.   The governance of Aeshar is overseen by the Sultan, who wields absolute power as the ruler of the kingdom. The Sultan's decisions shape the trajectory of Aeshari society, and their leadership is crucial in maintaining the delicate balance between survival and prosperity in such an inhospitable environment.   The Sultanate of Aeshar stands as a testament to human perseverance, adaptability, and the indomitable spirit of its people. It is a realm where the desert and the sea meet, where glass shines with the brilliance of the sun, and where the Aeshari civilization thrives against all odds, leaving an enduring mark on the lands of Rheiknor.


The Sultan's Sky Palace in Hishai, the seat of power in Aeshar.
The organizational structure of the Sultanate of Aeshar is designed to efficiently govern and administer the kingdom's affairs, ensuring the smooth functioning of its diverse sectors. At the helm of the structure is the Sultan, the supreme authority and ruler of Aeshar. The Sultan holds absolute power and is responsible for making decisions that shape the course of the kingdom.   Directly under the Sultan, a council of advisors, composed of trusted individuals from various domains, offers counsel and expertise on matters of governance, policy-making, and strategic planning. This council acts as a valuable resource, providing the Sultan with a diverse range of perspectives to aid in decision-making.   The governance of Aeshar extends to the regional level, where the kingdom is divided into administrative districts or provinces. Each province is overseen by a Caliph, appointed by the Sultan to act as the provincial governor. The Caliph holds authority over their respective regions, ensuring the implementation of laws, policies, and regulations, as well as maintaining order and security within their jurisdiction.   Within each province, further administrative subdivisions exist, led by local administrators known as Emirs. Emirs are responsible for managing the day-to-day affairs of their specific territories, including the allocation of resources, maintenance of infrastructure, and the resolution of local disputes. They serve as intermediaries between the Caliph and the local population, maintaining a direct connection to the needs and concerns of the people.   To ensure the effective functioning of various sectors, specialized departments and ministries are established. These include departments responsible for finance and treasury, defense and security, trade and commerce, infrastructure and development, culture and education, and religious affairs. Each department is headed by a Minister who oversees the operations and policies within their respective areas of expertise.   At the grassroots level, the governance structure extends to the city and town level, where local administrations are headed by officials known as Mayars. They are responsible for managing the affairs of their specific urban centers, including public services, municipal infrastructure, and local governance.   The Sultanate of Aeshar also recognizes the importance of the Aeshari people's voice in decision-making processes. As such, advisory bodies and councils are established to represent the interests and concerns of various societal groups, including merchants, scholars, religious leaders, and community representatives. These bodies provide a platform for dialogue and consultation, ensuring that the diverse perspectives and needs of the Aeshari population are taken into account in the governance process.   Overall, the organizational structure of the Sultanate of Aeshar is designed to ensure effective governance, strong leadership, and the efficient management of resources, all aimed at fostering the growth, stability, and prosperity of the kingdom and its people.


The busy streets of an Aeshari market.
The culture of Aeshar is a rich tapestry woven from the vibrant traditions, customs, and values of its people, known as the Aeshari. Rooted in the vast expanse of the Shaedrem Desert, the Aeshari have developed a unique way of life shaped by the harsh environment they inhabit.   Hospitality is a cornerstone of Aeshari culture. Aeshari people take great pride in their ability to welcome and accommodate guests, as they believe in the importance of extending kindness and warmth to others. It is customary for Aeshari households to offer food, shelter, and protection to travelers and visitors, reflecting their deep sense of communal responsibility and respect for others.   Artistry and craftsmanship hold a special place in Aeshari culture. The Aeshari are renowned for their exquisite glasswork, which is crafted using ancient techniques passed down through generations. Skilled artisans create intricate patterns and designs, capturing the colors and essence of the desert landscape within their delicate glass creations. This art form serves as both a source of cultural expression and a means of economic prosperity through trade.   Music and dance are integral to Aeshari celebrations and gatherings. The rhythmic beats of traditional drums, accompanied by the melodic sounds of stringed instruments, fill the air during festivities. Aeshari dances, characterized by graceful movements and swirling motions, tell stories of their history, legends, and connection to nature. Music and dance serve as a means of artistic expression, communal bonding, and a way to honor their cultural heritage.   The Aeshari deeply value their connection to nature and the desert environment. They have a profound respect for the land and its resources, recognizing the delicate balance required for survival in the harsh desert conditions. Aeshari folklore and traditions are intertwined with nature, with stories of mythical creatures, desert spirits, and tales of endurance and survival. They practice sustainable methods of resource management, embracing the principles of conservation and preserving the fragile ecosystems within their domain.   Religion plays a significant role in Aeshari culture, with the majority of the population adhering to a faith centered around the worship of elemental deities and ancestral spirits. Rituals and ceremonies are conducted to pay homage to these divine forces, seeking their blessings for prosperity, protection, and harmony. Religious scholars and leaders hold esteemed positions within Aeshari society, providing guidance, wisdom, and spiritual support to the community.   The Aeshari place great importance on family and kinship ties. Extended families often live in close proximity, fostering a strong sense of community and interconnectedness. Elders are highly respected for their wisdom and experience, and their guidance is sought in matters of family, tradition, and decision-making.   Cuisine in Aeshar reflects the resourcefulness and adaptability of the Aeshari people. Traditional dishes often incorporate locally sourced ingredients, such as dates, camel meat, spices, and aromatic herbs. Meals are shared communally, reinforcing the bonds of family and community.   In summary, the culture of Aeshar embodies a harmonious blend of artistry, hospitality, reverence for nature, and deep-rooted traditions. It is a culture that celebrates the resilience and adaptability of the Aeshari people as they thrive in the face of adversity, forging a unique identity shaped by their desert home.

"From the sands, we rise"

Relevant factions:
Order of the Crescent
Shae-rhen Syndicate
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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