Praelon Var

The Praelon Var, an esteemed order of magic that originated in Kevelon but has since spread its influence throughout Rheiknor, stands as a beacon of knowledge and wisdom in the realm of arcane arts. Founded by the elves of Kevelon, the order has evolved and adapted over the centuries, attracting mages of diverse backgrounds and magical traditions. While its roots lie in elven heritage, the Praelon Var has embraced a more inclusive approach, welcoming practitioners from different races and cultures who seek to understand and harness the powers of magic.   The order's academies and campuses have become renowned centers of magical education and research, attracting aspiring mages from far and wide. Each academy serves as a bastion of arcane knowledge, housing libraries overflowing with ancient tomes, laboratories brimming with mystical artifacts, and training grounds where spells are honed and perfected. These institutions not only cultivate the talents of young magicians but also foster an environment of collaboration and exchange, where ideas and discoveries are shared freely among the order's members.   One of the defining principles of the Praelon Var is its dedication to the exploration and understanding of the world around them. Its mages venture into uncharted territories, delving into the depths of forgotten ruins, traversing treacherous landscapes, and seeking out ancient sources of magic. Through their relentless pursuit of knowledge, the mages of the Praelon Var seek to unravel the mysteries that lie hidden in the fabric of reality, unlocking the secrets of the past and uncovering new realms of possibility.   While the Praelon Var has expanded its reach beyond the borders of Kevelon, the organization remains deeply rooted in elven traditions and values. Elves continue to make up a significant portion of its membership, their innate affinity for magic and deep connection to the natural world harmonizing with the order's ethos. The wisdom and ancient wisdom passed down through elven lineage form the bedrock of the order's teachings, ensuring that elven magical heritage continues to thrive within the Praelon Var.   Within the Praelon Var, a strong sense of camaraderie and mutual support permeates the ranks. Mages, regardless of their race or background, come together to share their expertise, collaborate on research, and mentor the next generation. The order fosters an environment where mages can challenge and inspire one another, constantly pushing the boundaries of magical understanding and expanding their collective knowledge.   As the primary order of magic in Rheiknor, the Praelon Var also shoulders the responsibility of protecting the realm from threats that arise from the misuse or abuse of magic. They serve as guardians of balance, ensuring that the powers they wield are used responsibly and for the betterment of all. The order maintains a watchful eye on magical artifacts, artifacts of power, and any disturbances in the mystical energy that flows through the land.   The Praelon Var finds itself locked in an enduring struggle with the Eradaclists, a fanatical order of antimagic zealots who view magic as a blight upon Rheiknor. The Eradaclists believe that the prevalence of magic users and magical artifacts is the root cause of the dangerous Mist Storms that plague the realm. Their extreme ideology drives them to seek the complete eradication of all magic, regardless of its purpose or intent. This puts them directly at odds with the Praelon Var, who strive to understand and harness the powers of magic for the betterment of the world. The clash between the two orders is marked by intense conflict, as the Praelon Var fights to protect the rights and existence of magic users while safeguarding the delicate balance of magic itself. The Eradaclists, on the other hand, stop at nothing to eliminate magic from Rheiknor, employing ruthless tactics and relentless persecution of those who practice the arcane arts. The Praelon Var finds themselves as the last line of defense, fighting to preserve the knowledge and wisdom of magic against the zealous onslaught of the Eradaclists, as they seek to ensure that magic can continue to shape and illuminate the world rather than be extinguished by fear and ignorance.   The Praelon Var stand as a bastion of magical knowledge and exploration, dedicated to understanding the mysteries of the arcane and safeguarding the delicate balance of magic within Rheiknor. Through their inclusive approach, the order has fostered a diverse community of mages who share a common passion for unlocking the secrets of the universe and using their powers for the greater good. Together, they shape the future of magic, ensuring that it remains a force of enlightenment and protection in the ever-evolving world.


Venefect: The Venefect is the highest rank within the Praelon Var, embodying the pinnacle of magical mastery and leadership. They are revered as the ultimate authority within the order and serve as its guiding force. The Venefect is responsible for making major decisions, setting policies, and ensuring the order's objectives are upheld. They possess unparalleled knowledge of arcane arts and act as mentors to lower-ranked members. The Venefect's wisdom and expertise are sought after by the entire magical community, and they are instrumental in forging alliances and maintaining diplomatic relations with other magical institutions.   Eldrast: The Eldrast rank represents the council of experienced and revered mages within the Praelon Var. They possess extensive knowledge and expertise in various magical disciplines. Eldrasts are responsible for advising the Venefect and assisting in the decision-making process. They oversee the training and development of lower-ranked members, ensuring the preservation of magical traditions and the adherence to the order's principles. Eldrasts often serve as liaisons between the Praelon Var and other magical organizations, fostering cooperation and collaboration.   Arcanist: Arcanists are accomplished mages recognized for their advanced magical abilities and specialized knowledge. They are considered experts in specific magical fields, such as elemental magic, divination, or enchantment. Arcanists conduct in-depth research, experiment with new spells and rituals, and contribute to the order's expanding magical knowledge. They provide training and mentorship to lower-ranked members, assisting them in honing their magical skills. Arcanists also actively participate in magical investigations and serve as advisors in matters related to the practice of magic.   Enchanter: Enchanters are skilled mages who have demonstrated exceptional proficiency in the art of enchantment and magical craftsmanship. They possess deep knowledge of arcane symbols, sigils, and rituals used to imbue objects with magical properties. Enchanters are responsible for creating and maintaining enchanted items and artifacts within the Praelon Var. They master the intricate techniques of spellbinding, infusing objects with specific magical qualities and imbuing them with protective or enhancing enchantments. Enchanters also collaborate with other members to develop new enchanting methods and ensure the safe and responsible use of enchanted items. Their expertise is highly valued, as their creations often play a crucial role in the order's missions and endeavors.   Novices: Novices are the entry-level members of the Praelon Var. They are newly inducted mages who have shown promise and dedication to the pursuit of magic. Novices undergo comprehensive training and education within the order, learning the fundamental principles of magic, spellcasting, and the ethical responsibilities associated with their powers. They assist higher-ranked members in various tasks and perform their duties diligently while aspiring to advance through the ranks and deepen their understanding of magic.
Guild, Mages
Related Ranks & Titles


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