Landor Krelden

As the eldest son and heir to the Oaken Throne of Miscrea, Prince Landor Krelden carries the weight of high expectations on his shoulders. He is a skilled warrior, showing great promise as a military leader, but he acknowledges that he still has much to learn. The responsibilities that come with being the future ruler of Miscrea drive him to continually strive for self-improvement and to prove himself worthy of the crown.   Landor's upbringing in the martial society of Miscrea has instilled in him a strong sense of duty and loyalty. He understands the importance of unity and cooperation among the lords of the kingdom and strives to be a unifying figure among his siblings. As the oldest, he takes it upon himself to look after his younger brothers and sisters, offering guidance and protection when they find themselves in trouble.   Despite his serious demeanor and sense of responsibility, Landor is not without a sense of humor and compassion. He values the relationships with his family and the people of Miscrea and is known for his approachable and amiable nature. His genuine concern for the well-being of his people makes him a beloved figure among the citizens, and he actively seeks to understand their needs and concerns.   Landor's lack of experience is something he is keenly aware of, and he is not afraid to seek counsel from his parents and advisors. He believes in the importance of learning from others and recognizes that true leadership comes from understanding and embracing different perspectives. His humility and willingness to learn make him a respected and approachable figure within the court.   As the oldest prince, Landor faces both challenges and opportunities. While he carries the burden of the kingdom's future on his shoulders, he also has the chance to leave a lasting and positive impact on Miscrea. He is determined to use his skills and potential to lead the kingdom into a new era of prosperity and unity, honoring the legacy of his family's rule while also charting a course for the future.   With his siblings by his side, Landor faces the trials and tribulations that come with being a prince of Miscrea. Together, they form a strong and supportive bond that not only strengthens their family but also reinforces the foundation of the kingdom itself. As Landor navigates the challenges of leadership and prepares to ascend to the throne, he remains committed to protecting his family, his people, and the kingdom of Miscrea with strength, wisdom, and compassion.   Despite being the heir to the Oaken Throne and carrying the weight of future responsibilities, Landor has never felt overshadowed by Callor's presence. Instead, he views his younger brother as a constant source of inspiration and joy. Callor's adventurous spirit and mischievous nature have always brought a smile to Landor's face, and he cherishes the moments they spend together exploring the vast landscapes of Miscrea. Landor recognizes that he and Callor complement each other in their own unique ways, with Callor's easygoing charm often diffusing tension and lightening the mood during challenging times. Landor feels a profound sense of duty to protect and guide Callor, knowing that his brother looks up to him as a role model. Their close bond fosters a deep sense of trust and unity, and Landor values their brotherly connection above all else. He sees in Callor a future ally and confidant, one who will stand by his side through the trials and triumphs that await them in their journey as princes of Miscrea.  
Year of Birth
1163 PC 20 Years old


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