Aleron Krelden

King Aleron Krelden, ruler of the Kingdom of Miscrea, is a shrewd and ambitious monarch who is determined to lead his realm into a new era of stability and prosperity. The Krelden dynasty ascended the Miscran throne in the wake of The War of The Rim, which saw the fall of the Hawkon dynasty and the rise of the Krelden family to power.   Since taking the Oaken Throne, King Aleron has been resolute in his vision to centralize the rule of Miscrea. He perceives the fragmented power structure of the feuding lords as a hindrance to the kingdom's progress and potential. With a keen eye for strategy and manipulation, he aims to bring the other lords under his authority, forging a united front to better defend and strengthen Miscrea against the multitude of threats it faces.   To achieve his goal, Aleron is adept at navigating the complex and often treacherous political landscape of the feuding lords. Whether through diplomacy, persuasion, or cunning schemes, he seeks to rally the lords to his cause, understanding that unity is key to the kingdom's survival. While some may view his methods as manipulative or deceptive, King Aleron sees them as necessary tools to secure the realm's future.   Recent events have seen Aleron intensify his efforts to consolidate power. Building up his forces, he seeks to reinforce the military might of Miscrea, ensuring its ability to defend against external threats such as the orcish raids from the Ruzgad Plains and the terrifying Mist Storms that plague the southern coast. His actions have not gone unnoticed by the lords, and many are wary of his growing influence.   Despite his ambition and cunning, Aleron is not without his challenges. The independent nature of the lords and their feuds pose significant obstacles to his vision of a centralized kingdom. Some lords may resist his overtures, suspicious of his motives and wary of relinquishing their autonomy. Additionally, the people of Miscrea hold deep-rooted traditions and loyalties, and winning their hearts and minds will require skillful diplomacy and an inspiring vision of the realm's future.   As King Aleron Krelden navigates the complexities of his kingdom, he is keenly aware of the burden of leadership and the weight of responsibility upon his shoulders. Determined to lead Miscrea towards a brighter and more secure future, he faces both internal and external challenges with calculated resolve. Whether his ambitions will unite the feuding lords and bring about the stability he seeks remains to be seen, but there is no doubt that Aleron Krelden's reign is shaping the destiny of the Kingdom of Miscrea.  


Maellery Krelden


Towards Aleron Krelden


Aleron Krelden


Towards Maellery Krelden


Year of Birth
1140 PC 43 Years old
Ruled Locations


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