Maellery Krelden

Queen Maellery Krelden, the wife of King Aleron Krelden and the Queen of Miscrea, is a woman of ambition and determination. Sharing her husband's vision of consolidating power around the crown, she believes that a united and strong monarchy is the best path forward for the kingdom. With a keen understanding of politics and diplomacy, Queen Maellery is a valuable asset to her husband's rule. While supportive of King Aleron, Queen Maellery also possesses her own desires and aspirations. She is not afraid to take initiative and advocate for her interests, even if it means navigating around her husband's decisions. However, her loyalty to the crown and her commitment to the well-being of Miscrea are unwavering, and she would never betray the kingdom's interests.   A significant part of Queen Maellery's responsibilities lies in managing and guiding her children. As a mother, she takes great pride in raising the future rulers of Miscrea and instilling in them the values of duty, responsibility, and leadership. She firmly believes that the success of the monarchy depends on the character and capabilities of the royal family, and she dedicates herself to ensuring that her children are prepared to uphold their future roles with grace and wisdom.   Despite her political acumen and busy schedule, Queen Maellery also finds time to engage with the people of Miscrea. She is known for her compassion and approachability, making an effort to understand and address the concerns of her subjects. Her involvement with the common folk has earned her admiration and respect, further solidifying the loyalty of the people to the royal family.   While Queen Maellery supports her husband's ambitions, she is not without her moments of counsel and disagreement. The couple's dynamic is one of trust and partnership, where both voices are heard and considered. Their collaborative approach to ruling Miscrea strengthens their bond and allows for more thoughtful decision-making.   As Queen Maellery Krelden works alongside her husband in the pursuit of a united and formidable Miscrea, she remains a pillar of strength and wisdom within the kingdom. Her devotion to her family and her people, combined with her political savvy, makes her an influential figure who plays a crucial role in shaping the future of the realm.  


Maellery Krelden


Towards Aleron Krelden


Aleron Krelden


Towards Maellery Krelden


Year of Birth
1144 PC 39 Years old
Aleron Krelden (Husband)


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