Lord Hathlus Alouart

The lord and ruler of Oakdale, Hathlus reigns over his prosperous domain with a just and fair demeanor. He trusts in the work of his Magistrate Rolar Birult to run the day-to-day whom does a fine job given the task he has been handed. Hathlus prefers to let Rolar deal with as much as he can before bringing important matters to his attention, at least concerning how Oakdale is run. When it comes to the security of Oakdale, Hathlus prefers to lead in the front. He is regularly seen leaving the town with his retinue to inspect the lands beyond the town to insure its security from wild beasts and voracious monsters. He has the local Archreaver Eleroth Tivaal on retainer and accompany him on almost every venture out from the town for safety and his expertise in monster hunting. They have developed a close working relationship and Halthus relies on Eleroth's advice constantly. Hathlus is an old veteran himself. He is an ex Oslan Marines and has seen many battles from his expeditions abroad.
Ruled Locations


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