Obsidian Dragon Order

The Obsidian Dragon Order, shrouded in mystery and brimming with dark power, stands apart from the other esteemed Dragonriders of Raishar. Comprised of the fearsome Black Dragons, they possess an unyielding determination to restore their lost glory and reclaim their rightful place among their dragon brethren. With an unwavering focus on ferocity and untamed fury, the Obsidian Dragon Order embraces tactics that strike terror into the hearts of their foes. Their unconventional approach to warfare sets them apart from the other Orders, and their ideologues delve deep into the realms of instinct and primal strength.   However, the Obsidian Dragon Order carries a bitter history, tarnished by their past encounters with the Raishen and Leonin during the desperate battle for the Jade Isles. In the face of the demon invasion, the Obsidian Dragon Order was left humiliated and outshined by their counterparts, leading to deep-seated resentment towards the Raishen and Leonin. Their sense of pride wounded, the Obsidian Dragon Order now seeks redemption, yearning to prove their worth and regain their lost honor.   Regrettably, their dissenting views and disdain for their fellow Dragonrider Orders have resulted in their status as outcasts within Raishar's esteemed military circles. Though not officially banned or punished, the Obsidian Dragon Order is subjected to social shunning and is looked down upon by the other Orders. The symbol that once adorned the Dragonriders' banner was removed, symbolizing their denouncement of the Raishen and Leonin who had saved the Dragon Emperor and his people from the clutches of the demonic forces.   Within the shadows of Raishar's intricate politics and power dynamics, the Obsidian Dragon Order persists, driven by their determination to prove their worth and reclaim their rightful place. With their unyielding ferocity, they remain a force to be reckoned with, seeking to forge a path of their own and redefine their role within the Dragonrider Orders. Their journey towards redemption is fraught with challenges, but it is in their darkest moments that they strive to unleash the true might and power of the Black Dragons, igniting the flames of their fury to restore their standing among their peers and secure their place in the annals of Raishar's storied history.


Within the Obsidian Dragon Order, a structured hierarchy exists, dividing its members into five distinct ranks, each with its own responsibilities and significance within the order's framework:   Shadowbane: The pinnacle of achievement within the Obsidian Dragon Order is the rank of Shadowbane. These individuals are revered as legendary figures among their comrades, embodying the epitome of the order's ideals. Shadowbanes are not only masters of combat but also possess a deep understanding of the order's history, philosophy, and the ancient connection between the Black Dragons and their riders. They hold the responsibility of guiding the Obsidian Dragon Order, shaping its future, and preserving its legacy. Their wisdom, tactical brilliance, and unshakable resolve inspire awe and respect among all members. Shadowbanes stand at the zenith of the order's hierarchy, leading with unwavering conviction and ensuring the Obsidian Dragon Order remains a formidable force in their pursuit of redemption and honor.   Onyxblade: The Onyxblade rank stands as a testament to the exceptional skill and dedication of an individual within the Obsidian Dragon Order. These elite warriors are chosen for their unparalleled combat prowess, unyielding loyalty, and unwavering resolve. Onyxblades serve as the vanguard, leading the charge in battles and inspiring their fellow members with their sheer determination and indomitable spirit. They are responsible for making critical decisions on the battlefield, ensuring the order's goals are achieved at any cost. The Onyxblade rank holds great prestige within the order, representing the epitome of martial skill and dedication to the Obsidian Dragon's cause.   Blackfang: Elevated to the rank of Blackfang, individuals have proven themselves as masters of both offensive and defensive combat techniques. Their skill in harnessing the destructive powers of acid aligns with the fierce nature of the Black Dragons they serve. Blackfangs are entrusted with the training and mentorship of lower-ranked members, imparting their knowledge and experience to shape the next generation of Obsidian Dragon warriors. They also take on leadership roles in battle, coordinating the order's forces and strategizing devastating attacks against their enemies. As commanders, Blackfangs possess a heightened sense of responsibility and serve as role models for aspiring members.   Shadowblade: The rank of Shadowblade signifies the advancement of a member within the Obsidian Dragon Order. These individuals have demonstrated exceptional combat prowess and a keen understanding of strategic warfare. Shadowblades are entrusted with more substantial responsibilities, including reconnaissance missions, executing covert operations, and leading small strike teams. Their ability to strike swiftly and silently, guided by their connection with the Black Dragons, makes them formidable assets in the order's pursuit of redemption. As the backbone of the Obsidian Dragon Order, Shadowblades play a critical role in executing tactical maneuvers and ensuring the order's success.   Drakewarden: As the entry-level rank, the Drakewarden represents the initiates who have proven themselves worthy of joining the ranks of the Obsidian Dragon Order. Drakewardens undergo rigorous training, honing their combat skills and deepening their connection with the Black Dragons. Their duties primarily revolve around assisting higher-ranking members, tending to the needs of the dragons, and maintaining the order's equipment and armaments. The Drakewarden serves as the foundation of the order, entrusted with tasks crucial to the smooth functioning of its operations.

Tenets of Faith

Unyielding Ferocity: The Obsidian Dragon Order embraces relentless aggression, pushing the boundaries of their capabilities to overcome their enemies. They believe in unleashing their full potential on the battlefield, but the risk lies in descending into reckless frenzy.   Redemption through Destruction: Seeking redemption, they believe in annihilating their adversaries, avenging past defeats, and reclaiming lost glory. This drive for destruction risks blinding them to the potential for reconciliation and forgiveness.   Embrace the Shadows: The order embraces the power of darkness, using secrecy, subterfuge, and the allure of shadows to gain the upper hand. However, they must be cautious not to lose their way and succumb to darkness itself.
Military, Knightly Order
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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