The War of the Pale

Military: War


With the Sinking of Rheiknor, the destroyed lands of the human nations left them with little territory for their different peoples and so massive fighting broke out. The war would last for hundreds of years with constantly shifting factions and peoples slaughtering one another for little but precious ground. It finally ended with the founding of the kingdoms of Osland and Miscrea.

The elves had kept their lands safe from the Cataclysm, leaving the rest of the world to fend for themselves after its destruction. The varying human nations were impacted the greatest, causing many to simply vanish into the sea. Hundreds of thousands of refugees arose from the Cataclysm, many desperate to settle new land and survive. This clash of those without and those with, erupted into a massive century-spanning war with thousands of casualties on all sides. Nations rose and fell during this time. Even after the war's end, no original nation from the beginning survived. Multiple ethnic groups fought against one another, some allied with each other only to stab them in the back at the perfect time.
Blood stained all ground outside the sanctuary of Kevelon's walls. For the beginning of the war, the elves looked upon the humans with pity but poise. For the life of an elf is eons more than a human. A couple of centuries passed and the elves still looked upon bloodshed when peering over their walls. Many of the elves took pity on them. Those that did, began sheltering the humans within the safety of their walls. The elves taught them their ways of war and magic, building them into quite the people. After sometime, these cultivated humans left the safety of Kevelon and ventured east into the unknown. These people became known as the Raishen and their kingdom Raishar.   Sometime halfway through the war, another group of humans left the lands of blood and went north to test their luck across the Shaedrem Desert. Founding their own nation isolated from the rest of the war. These people became known as the Aeshari and their kingdom Aeshar.   After 600 years of fighting, the remaining peoples made peace with one another and formed two seperate kingdoms, Osland and Miscrea. Even then, some were still not content with the state of the present and angrily declined the peace terms. They were vastly outnumbered by the two kingdom's people and so they chose to leave the newly formed kingdom's lands, seeking refuge in the unsettled lands of the dwarves and wildlands. One of these groups were the Nords. They settled the outer lands of the dwarves whom didn't seem to mind having a voluntary meatshield outside their buried halls beneath the stone.   And thus ended the War of the Pale, though it would not be the last.

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