Society Park

The Society Park, as it is known, is one of the most beautiful greenspaces in Novandria, and the trees there are maintained by the Society of Eisen Woodworkers. At one end of guild house row, this park is filled with an astounding variety of trees from all over Eisen and, in some cases, the world. There are decent sized stands of all the most common types of trees, and small handfuls of rarer varieties. Gravel walkways wind throughout, with waterproof placards describing the qualities of each tree in a particular grouping. The Union of Naturalists are often found taking a stroll there, and there is a small section set aside for rare and unique transplants, trees and other plants, found and brought back by both guilds to see if they will take to the climate of Novandira. While beautiful, this park is less popular for common daily use due to its smaller paths and dedicated, but sometimes grumpy, caretakers.
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