Novandria, Eisen (no-VAN-dree-uh)

The capital city of Eisen, a haven of progress and eletech innovation.  The main setting for Terranon: Elementals and Engines.   Novandria is a bustling metropolis full of everything you can imagine. The population currently sits at 1.2 million people and has a mix of towering buildings and verdant green spaces. A wide bridge across the Ardan River leads to the Noble Quarter where the Duchies each have their own estates and the Parliament meets with the Chancellor.


Novandria has a large mix of all races and social classes. From kobolds to tabaxi to humans and gnomes, all are welcome and make their home in Novandria. Despite Eisen being the ancestral home of the dwarves, they do not make up a significant portion of the population. More information is available in Novandria by the Numbers


Novandria is run by an elected Mayor. Elections happen every 2 years. The current Mayor is Celia Dalston.


Novandria is protected by The Royal Order of Knights, commonly referred to as the Rooks. Knight Errants can be seen on the streets both mounted and on foot patrol to keep the city safe, and the city also keeps a full force of detectives to investigate crimes in the city.


Novandria has multiple major roads that lead in and out of the city, as well as cobblestone streets throughout. Most major roads allow 4 carriages to ride abreast (2 in either direction), with smaller streets allowing for 2 carriages and some narrow alleyways allowing for only a person to navigate. An intricate maze of sewers runs below the city, taking waste out of the city and rainwater into resivoirs or into the river. The Naturalist Guild is particularly scrupulous about ensuring that the river and resivoirs remain clean, working with the city government for waste removal and clean water.


Upper Terrace

At the northern tip of the city, cobblestone streets fade into rolling pastures and fields as the farmlands that provide product to the city stretch across the landscape.  

Noble Quarter

Located across the river from the majority of the city of Novandria, the Noble Quarter holds all of the estates for each of the Duchies of Eisen. Many of the Counties and Baronies also have homes here, though most are contained within the estates of their Duchies. Once the castle of Eisen, the Parliament building is the most prominent location and is open once a week for touring visitors. Only the finest goods and services are available in the Quarter.

North Ward

Temple District
While the primary gods worshiped in Eisen each have their own large temple grounds, many of the other churches also have small temples situated in a middle-class area of western Novandria.  
The eastern side of the city along the Arden River from the Temple of Lucetius, up along The Water Walk, past the Academia Casus to the nortern border of the city.

Central Ward

Market Square
Once a small square of merchant's shops, over the years Market Square has expanded to include a large stretch of road and includes market stalls, tents, as well as permanent buildings selling all manner of goods both magical and mundane.  
Central Greens
Central Novandria is home to several parks and green areas, including Guild House Row, Central Park, Society Park and the grounds of The Academy of Adventuring Arts.

South Ward

The Smokestacks
Commonly referred to as simply "The Stacks," this area of southern Novandria is where all the factories billow smoke up into the air. Heavily industrialized, it has everything from eletech factories to blacksmiths forges.  
The Warrens
The slums of Novandria, the Warrens is a maze of tall tenements, tiny hovels, refuse, and misery. The poorest denizens eek out a living here, some only getting to eat by the grace of Elowyn's or Fodla's soup kitchens.  
The Docks
The port of Novandria stretches up the east side of the city along the bank of the Ardan River, from the southern edge of Novandria up to the Temple of Lucetius. The docks are always busy, day and night, with sailors and merchants unloading their goods as well as passenger ships with new arrivals disembarking from all over Terranon.

Guilds and Factions


Novandria is home to all of the Guilds of Eisen, many of which have their guild houses on Guild House Row.  

Criminal Factions

Not the only criminal element in the city, but certainly the most well-known, is The Syndicate.

Points of interest




Fine Dining
  Middle Class Dining
  Lower Class & Street Vendors

Foreign Embassies






Parks & Promenades



Magical Shops
  Mundane Shops

Social Clubs

High Class
  Middle Class


Upper/Middle Class
  Lower Class



  • Novandria
    The capital city of Eisen
Founding Date
1.2 million
Inhabitant Demonym
Novandrians, Eisenfolk, Eisenvolk
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)
Vehicles Present
Related Plots