Caricature doodles

Welcome to the City of the Hundred Fiefs! The all powerful lords and ladies ruling over those fiefs are constantly fighting each other, but now a terrifying lord has started to conquer them one after another. His next victim is Olénie. Come read about her world and her plans to survive!
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Report to Lord Adélème on the case of the mysterious caricatures

  My lord, following my investigation on your new neighbours, the Fief of Glass, I have serious reasons to believe I have found the original author of the mysterious caricatures that have spread all over the city in the past few years.   While this is only a point of minor curiosity, I thought this topic might entertain you.  
Summary of the case
  First doodles
The first caricatures appeared 9 years ago in several fiefs in the South-West quadrant of the city (suspiciously near to the Fief of Glass). They consisted mainly of little doodles drawn on official announcement posters in the towers of several fiefs.   While graffiti are not new, the lord and ladies of these fiefs took high exception of their offensive content. The common people, however, were particularly appreciative and soon started copying them.   Spread
The phenomenon has since spread all over the city, with people adding caricature doodles to all their letters and posters. More shockingly and the height of absurdity, even the Foreigners have been doodling Elantian-style art to liven up the letters they are exchanging to rally each each other to form an alliance against us...   I have to admit I have myself succumbed to the trend and have been adding such doodles to all my report to your lordship in the hope of making their subjects less boring.
Examples of caricature doodles of political figures
Lady Glass
Resistance 2 - Lord Drink.png
Lord Drink
Lady Fabric
Lady Jewel
Lord Diviner
Your Lordship
  Because of their controversial start, caricature doodles are not looked upon favourably by many lords and ladies, and many have tried to find their original author in order to exchange a few words with them.   So far, the favourite candidates in the court of popular opinion have all been highly renowned professional artists, such as Lord Paint or his official portraitists. However, all of these individuals have publicly denied ownership of the doodles, as well as expressed a high disdain and snobbism for the style.   However, I believe I have finally found the guilty party in the person of Dame Louise of Glass!
Examples of caricature doodles sending political messages
The last emperor
Fiendish Foreigners
Dame Louise of Glass
As summarise in my other reports on the Fief of Glass and its lady, Olénie of Glass, Dame Louise is an ex-spy and has demonstrated an excellent knowledge of the politics of nearby fiefs. This gives her both the knowledge necessary for the "crime" and the opportunity to spread it.   She is not officially an artist, but she has produced the official portraits of her lady and of leading politicians in their fief. But more than that, she has been deeply involved in the lady's strange mania for "educational" posters and has contributed to their conception with doodles whose style is very familiar to us.   Please, my lord, find enclosed herewith an example of such poster produced by their government to show off its "accomplishments".
Dame Louise's autoportrait
  Since the Glasses have had the good taste to date all of their posters, it has not been difficult to ascertain that the oldest of these predate the first publicly known case of caricature doodles.   I rest my case.    

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Cover image: The City of the hundred Fiefs by AmélieIS with an image from Grandeduc on DepositPhotos


Author's Notes

All art in this article is mine.

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Aug 13, 2024 23:14 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

The doodle of Lord Diviner is my favourite.   I love the triumphant 'I rest my case!'

Aug 15, 2024 07:35 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Thanks <3. The Lord Diviner doodle was just a stick figure in another article, but he looks so fun I decided not to change him too much for this article and to just give him clothes XD

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
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