Caricature doodles
Welcome to the City of the Hundred Fiefs! The all powerful lords and ladies ruling over those fiefs are constantly fighting each other, but now a terrifying lord has started to conquer them one after another. His next victim is Olénie. Come read about her world and her plans to survive!
Introduction to the story | Lady Olénie | The City of the Hundred Fiefs | Novel upcoming
Introduction to the story | Lady Olénie | The City of the Hundred Fiefs | Novel upcoming
The doodle of Lord Diviner is my favourite. I love the triumphant 'I rest my case!'
Explore Etrea
Thanks <3. The Lord Diviner doodle was just a stick figure in another article, but he looks so fun I decided not to change him too much for this article and to just give him clothes XD