B26 Adventures Guild Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B26 Adventures Guild

Entering, you are immediately reminded of every backwater tavern you’ve ever visited—strong odors, heavy smoke, and raucous voices singing songs, spinning tales, and barking threats. The patrons are a mishmash of cultures hailing from places both near and distant, familiar and exotic. They carry weapons easily, wear armor comfortably—and each bears the scars of a life of adventuring. On the far wall, beyond a dozen tables and the heavy oaken bar, and the central feature of the guild is the large message pole (the central pillar of the building). All manner of notices, messages, reminders, and ‘help wanted’ signs are pinned to this wooden pole.
A Haven for Heroes
Situated in the heart of the cobblestone streets of Verbobonc, the Adventurers Guild serves as a vibrant meeting point for those drawn to the life of adventure. Despite its recent establishment just a year ago, the guild has quickly become a central hub for adventurers due to the region's increasing popularity as a destination for quests and exploration. The guild combines the rustic charm of a traditional tavern with the organized structure of a modern guild, offering a range of services designed to support its members.
  • Atmosphere and Culture: The guild is characterized by its lively, tavern-like environment where adventurers from diverse backgrounds share tales, broker deals, and prepare for new exploits.
  • Purpose and Role: Provides support, information, and services to adventurers, fostering a community that encourages exploration and mutual assistance.

Description and Facilities

The Adventurers Guild is designed to cater to the needs of its members, from comfortable lounging areas to practical facilities for planning and preparation.
  • Interior Layout: Features a lavish den with comfortable seating, fireplaces, and extensive bookshelves, giving an impression of affluence and comfort aimed at mimicking more established guilds.
  • Meeting Rooms and Strategic Planning Areas: Equipped with private rooms and a large regional map, these areas are vital for the coordination and planning of adventures.


The guild's foundation is a response to the growing demand for organized support structures for adventurers in Verbobonc, reflecting the city’s strategic importance in regional politics and trade.
  • Establishment: Founded just a year ago amidst a surge in adventurer activity in the area.
  • Growth and Popularity: Rapidly became a popular institution in the city, indicating a significant demand for its services.

Relationships and Politics

The guild maintains various relationships with local entities, navigating the complex socio-political landscape of Verbobonc to secure its place within the city.
  • Local Authorities: Works closely with city officials to ensure that its operations complement local law enforcement and civic plans.
  • Other Guilds: Occasionally collaborates with other guilds and merchant associations to enhance the services it offers to its members.

Notable People

The guild is a melting pot of characters, each contributing to the rich tapestry of stories and skills within the community.
  • Guild Members: A diverse group of adventurers, from seasoned warriors to aspiring mages, all looking for opportunities to lend their skills or find employment.
  • Leadership: Managed by a small group of experienced adventurers who founded the guild, focusing on sustainable growth and member support.

Goods and Services

The Adventurers Guild offers a variety of services tailored to the needs of adventure seekers, though it lacks some of the more advanced magical amenities found in larger cities.
  • Resource Library: Offers books on local lore, monster compendiums, and maps, enhancing members' knowledge and preparedness.
  • Communication Services: Provides a message delivery service akin to the 'sending' spell, facilitating inter-city communication.
  • Safe House: Features a safe house service providing short-term refuge akin to the 'Rope Trick' spell.

Membership and Cost

Joining the Adventurers Guild comes with a set of benefits and responsibilities, structured to foster a supportive and law-abiding community of adventurers.
  • Membership Fee: Costs 10gp per month, granting access to all guild services and facilities.
  • Legal and Ethical Standards: Members are expected to uphold certain ethical standards; involvement in illegal activities can lead to expulsion and further actions by the guild.


The Adventurers Guild in Verbobonc stands as a testament to the city’s vibrant and ever-evolving adventuring culture. Offering a mix of comfort, resources, and community, the guild not only supports its members in their questing endeavors but also contributes to the local economy and the safety of the region. As it grows, the guild continues to adapt, ensuring that it remains a crucial part of Verbobonc’s adventuring landscape.
Adventurers Guild Board by 3orcs
Parent Location
Summary of the services and their associated costs provided by the Adventurers Guild in Verbobonc
Guild Membership
  • Cost: 10 gold pieces per month.
  • Benefits: Includes access to all guild services, private rooms, and sanctuary in legal disputes.
Library Access
  • Cost: Included in the membership fee.
  • Details: Access to a collection of books on local culture, history, and a compendium on local and exotic monsters.
Messenger Service
  • Cost: Included in the membership fee.
  • Details: A service similar to the 'sending' spell, allowing short messages to be delivered to other adventurers' guilds in major cities.
Safe House
  • Cost: Included in the membership fee.
  • Details: Provides a safe haven for members for up to 8 hours, similar to the effects of the 'Rope Trick' spell.
Healing Services
Minor Wound Treatment
  • For Devout Members: Free.
  • For Non-Members or Non-Devout: 1 gold piece or less, typically as a minor donation.
Non-Magical Bed Rest
  • Cost: 1 copper piece per night, which includes minor meals.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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