18: Greensward Estate Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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18: Greensward Estate

The Greensward Estate is a prominent ancestral home located on the northwestern slopes of Cienega Valley, west of Nigb's Run. This estate is known for its self-sustaining farm and historical significance to the Greensward family. The estate is an integral part of the community, playing a crucial role in the agricultural and political landscape of the region.


The Greensward Estate is a self-sustaining farm of livestock and vegetables with a traditional cartwheel barn. It is managed by Sheelby Greensward, the pregnant wife of Captain Jareth Greensward, who oversees the daily operations along with their four children. The eldest, Cayden, is particularly involved in the farm and aspires to join the Mounted Borderers.


The estate is a picturesque property featuring a large farmhouse surrounded by verdant fields and pastures. The traditional cartwheel barn stands as a symbol of the estate's agricultural heritage. The lush greenery and well-maintained grounds reflect the family's commitment to their land.
  • Northwestern slopes of Cienega Valley
  • West of Nigb’s Run
  • Self-sustaining farm
  • Livestock and vegetable cultivation
  • Traditional cartwheel barn
  • Dedicated to agriculture
  • Family-oriented
  • Community-focused


The Greensward Estate has been a cornerstone of the family's legacy for generations. Originally founded as a humble fishing and farming thorpe, the estate played a crucial role in transforming Cienega Valley into the prosperous wine and agricultural township it is today.
Founding and Early Years
  • Origins as a Fishing and Farming Thorpe: The Greensward family settled in the valley centuries ago, taking advantage of the fertile lands and abundant fishing opportunities. They established a small thorpe that served as the foundation for future growth.
  • Development of Farmlands: Over the generations, the Greensward family expanded their agricultural efforts, cultivating crops and raising livestock to support the growing community.
Transformation into a Thriving Township
  • Introduction of Vineyards: Recognizing the potential of the valley's soil and climate, the Greensward family began planting vineyards. Their pioneering efforts led to the production of high-quality wines that gained popularity throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
  • Formation of the Cienega Valley Wine Cooperative: To support the burgeoning wine industry, the Greensward family played a key role in establishing the Cienega Valley Wine Cooperative. This organization united local vineyard owners, improving production methods and marketing their wines to a broader audience.
Expansion and Modernization
  • Construction of the Manor House: As the family's wealth and influence grew, they built the current manor house, a symbol of their status and commitment to the region.
  • Investment in Infrastructure: The Greensward family invested heavily in the valley's infrastructure, including roads, irrigation systems, and community buildings, fostering economic growth and improving the quality of life for all residents.
Recent History
  • Role in Political Stability: The Greensward family has been instrumental in maintaining political stability in Cienega Valley. Their close ties with House Asbury and strategic alliances with other local leaders have helped navigate the region through periods of tension and conflict.
  • Continued Agricultural Legacy: The estate remains a vital part of the valley's agricultural landscape, producing high-quality livestock and vegetables that support the local economy.

Politics of Verbobonc

The Greensward Estate is deeply entwined with the politics of the Viscounty of Verbobonc. The estate's owner, Captain Jareth Greensward, is a key figure in maintaining the region's security and stability.


  • House Asbury: Strong allegiance and familial ties
  • House Milinous: Political tensions and rivalry
  • Local Governance: Active involvement in community affairs
Relationships and Politics Throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc
The Greensward family maintains significant political relationships within the Viscounty of Verbobonc. These relationships are essential in navigating the complex political landscape of the region.
Key Relationships
The Greensward Estate remains a symbol of resilience and dedication in Cienega Valley. The family's commitment to their land, community, and political alliances ensures their continued influence and prosperity in the region.
Greensward Estate by 3orcs
"Agriculture is the lifeblood of our community."
Captain Jareth Greensward 
  • Description: Esteemed leader of the Asbury House Guards stationed at the Jewel of Asbury Guardhouse in Cienega Valley.
  • Personality: Unwavering dedication, strategic mind, and formidable presence.
  • Motivation: Maintain security and stability amidst rising tensions and political intrigue.
  • Politics: Reports to Armount, Seneschal of House Asbury, and Mayor Marcus Greensward. Concerned about Sir Simon Milinous's attempts to absorb Cienega Valley into his demesne.
Sheelby Greensward
  • Description: Pregnant wife of Captain Jareth Greensward, manages the estate and farm.
  • Personality: Caring, hardworking, and resilient.
  • Motivation: Ensure the well-being of her family and maintain the estate's productivity.
  • Cayden: Eldest son, aspiring to join the Mounted Borderers.
  • Alfie, Beau, Seth: Younger sons, assist with farm chores.
  • Unnamed youngest: Expected addition to the family.
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs


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