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5th of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era

First Taste of Blood

by Sovereign of Aknir Callum Mac Craith

After speaking with Skamos I did my best to sleep. Kaiden had the bed, so I took the nearby chair that was a part of the room's decor. I rose relatively early and checked in with Kaiden. He was alert and his fever had broken, but he seemed greatly disoriented. All he could recall was his name, Kaiden Muir, and that he came from a body of water, and his confusion seemed genuine. I had him sorted out to start; hopefully he would do as told and stay in the room. I made my way to Skamos's room to check in with him regarding Kaiden; it was a long shot to keep him in Killiganhaft with all that happened, and I didn't want to keep him on the road with us: the road was no place for a child. Leading with some of my thoughts, Skamos gave me the option I was looking for: to send Kaiden to the Oasis. I thought it would be a good enough solution giving Skamos's bleeding heart and his bond with Nasamos. They also had more plentiful resources to help Kaiden than we did. I telepathically reached out to Celia and asked if she would ship Kaiden to the Oasis and offered to pay the way for him. After some back-and-forth she agreed.
We made our way to breakfast at the tavern where we met up with Silver. Breakfast was largely uneventful save for some banter. I encouraged Silver to work with Skamos after we decided to stay one more day to be safe. I made my way to Tomi's house and managed to retrieve half of the gold Skamos had paid him yesterday for the altercation with Kaiden and myself. It cost me a bottle of whiskey, but it was better than making a scene. After, I met with Poppy and arranged to meet with her after dinner. She still seemed largely shaken by last night and wanted to be in a better headspace before talking further. Respecting her wishes, I peeled away to find Skamos and return his money. He seemed surprised and then commended me for my conduct, which felt a little odd. He wasn't wrong; it was nicer than I usually was. He then pressed me about what had happened the night before. After trying to stave off his questions I knew I had to concede, so I said the truth: it was a dumb wish and somehow two Gods wanted to respond. He seemed to accept the answer and I fell in line with the two Tiefling companions and listen as they caught up. From Silver's tale, it was obvious to me that she had met Tetch/Tyrion and fancied him from their adventures. I also let slip that I also was familiar with Mothnir from my previous stay, but I deigned not to tell them more than the basics.
On that walk we ended up meeting with Floran and decided to take time to spar. It was a quick and easy way to inform Silver of my lycan-predicament and to get a test for our skills. It was a shitshow to say the least, and I was knocked on my back by Floran and somehow managed to land on Skamos though he fared twice as well as I. After our sparring we decided to make our way back to the tavern where we ordered drinks and dinner, carousing until my meeting with Poppy. We took a short walk outside to talk about life and death, and eventually she took an interest in Linneaus and asked to meet Floran, which I obliged. Back in the tavern, Skamos was clearly piss drunk. It definitely wouldn't help to have him around if Floran was to make an impression on Poppy, so I scooped him up and took him outside. After some playful drunken banter I helped him the only way I knew how: I fixed his hair back and spun him. I didn't care to lose a finger trying to force him to vomit that way, so I found an alternative. It was only after all of that and putting him to bed that Silver healed him of his drunken stupor. We said our goodnights and slept for the evening.
In the morning we set out immediately after stocking up on rations. The first day of travel was uneventful, but during the second day we happened upon a skirmish between the Akniri and the Aterfoddens. I tried to reason with Skamos and Floran, saying that it wasn't our fight and we needed to remain neutral, but they jumped into the fray. Skamos tried his damndest to get their attention, but to no avail. Something came over me when I saw him out there, trying to reason with grizzled veterans. I couldn't help it; I asked Silver and Kobalt to watch Kaiden as I ran for the fray. I managed to nick the wyvern but it stung me well; I felt my vision blur and roll and a searing pain from the injection before I killed the captain of the Akniri forces. Again, Skamos attempted to have them stand down; this time all obliged. While the Akniri fled, the Half Dragon captain stayed to converse with us since Skamos let loose how we were acquainted with Aterfodden. I couldn't take anymore of this; it seemed that while diplomacy was a virtue it was not yet a developed skill. I interjected and gave the soldier the captain's information so that they could run recon as a favor. She tried to order us straight to the Court, but I countered her with a compromise. They will now be joining us to Celia's tower as we drop off Kobalt and Kaiden before we return to the Court as we originally planned. Given my calculations, we have at least four days to come up with a reason why Skamos thinks he is above this war.

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  2. New Leads
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  4. New Gear and New Horizons
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  5. New Friends and New Sights
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  6. New Knowledge and Revelations
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  8. New Page and Young Face
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  10. New Beginnings, Forging Relations
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  13. New Sights and Encounters
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  14. New Knowledge
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  15. New Recruit and Old Wounds
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  16. New Information About the Cult
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  17. New Predicaments of Paracelcus
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  18. New Colleagues and New Leads
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  19. Confirming a Hunch
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  20. The One that Didn't Get Away
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  21. Tensions Rise and Fall
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  22. First Taste of Blood
    5th of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era
  23. More Chores for Dragonlord
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  24. Into the Depths of Noma
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  25. Into Choppy Waters
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  26. Twice the Dragon Roars
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  27. Stormy Seas
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  28. Shipwrecked
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  29. Accepting the Call
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  30. And So They Came to Our Door
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  31. Stars Aligned
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  32. Reconciling Our Differences
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  33. Delving Deeper
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  34. Returning to the Catacombs
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  35. Plummeting Closer
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  36. King's Orders
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  37. Thin Ice
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  38. Out of the Pan, Into the Fire
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  39. Crossroads
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  40. Words, Words, Words
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  41. An End to a Journey
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