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18th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era

Words, Words, Words

by Sovereign of Aknir Callum Mac Craith

We were present for the King's speech, though as the King went on about a new horizon, I sensed that something was lurking behind us. After the King acknowledged our efforts under Sernos, the service in Noma, and a few other honorable mentions, it seemed best for us to pull back to take care of the rat in the castle; a very big, shiny, red rat. I began the charge and was soon followed by Silver, Skamos, and Floran as we tried to stop Tanaka from committing her stealthy suicide. Lovrekke also seemed to be aware of the interloper, so my time was cut between pursuing the "enemy" and keeping the gold dragon out of the pursuit. She pressed on, however, shifting into the frame of a bird to catch the perpetrator sooner. We used different spells and abilities to track Tanaka as she ran out the front door of the castle and scrambled into the guardhouse. As we pressed on we were thwarted by obstacles, including a door that Lovrekke dove into before reverting to her human form. In the guardhouse we discovered only more problems. Luckily Skamos, Floran, and Silver all descended into the hidden door Tanaka used to re-enter the sewer system while I was caught in a stalemate above. I was stopped as I heard the faint voice of Baltair in my head, noting how I was technically interfering with Guild business. Although I could not locate him, I knew he had to be close enough to watch me, maybe even in the bunkhouse himself hidden among the guards and their beds. I countered him with his own argument, noting how my group's infiltration of the castle was, for all intents and purposes, also technically a guild mission. After that I took my time assuaging the rightly startled men as they rose from our commotion and did my best to steer Lovrekke back towards the Keep as the King wrapped up his speech, though she persisted in her own direction. Down below it seems that the Tanaka in question was caught and halted to their death. Upon death it was reported how the red half dragon melted away to reveal a changeling adorned in a symbol of the guild, along with a few other belongings. Silver and crew were able to retain the items as part of a payment for their service; Lovrekke promptly confiscated both the stolen item and the identifying necklace -- a symbol of Son'ka.
Over dinner the King acknowledged our efforts for the day and treated us with tickets to the Opera. Silver was not particularly interested and opted to stay in the castle, although the rest of us decided we would curry favor for now by indulging in the affair. At the opera house we found that we were about to witness a tragedy, although the tragedy became all too real. During the performance there was an interruption that caused a premature intermission. The stage was caught up in spores and decay, and the audience members were frozen to their spots. Floran, Skamos and I sprung into action as we found the whole opera house in danger. It seems that the contents of the Opera's tale were tragically true and haunted, causing the production of the play to be cursed. Finding the binding object, a mask in one of the actors' rooms, we attempted to break the curse and were beset by what I can only describe as the queen of spores. Though not an aspect of Eleanor, I would not be surprised if it had been. After waging battle and protecting the purifying spell we were able to save everyone in the operahouse before the place was besieged by the King and his military, ready to save the day only a moment too late. Again we were commended for our efforts by the King, both publicly and privately, and implored again to try and take a day or two off from saving everyone. After this we were able to take in a spot of revelry before reporting for duty at the time the King set summons for us.

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  31. Stars Aligned
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  32. Reconciling Our Differences
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  33. Delving Deeper
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  34. Returning to the Catacombs
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  35. Plummeting Closer
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  36. King's Orders
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  37. Thin Ice
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  38. Out of the Pan, Into the Fire
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  39. Crossroads
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  40. Words, Words, Words
    18th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  41. An End to a Journey
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