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35th of Stiracus, 1017 2nd Era

Stars Aligned

by Sovereign of Aknir Callum Mac Craith

The Oasis was in a flurry of activity after the siege. I managed to slip into Skamos's room undetected and took the sending stone for Cri. I'm not proud of it, but I couldn't let the interruption distract me from coordinating with all of those that might be running to Hanamura. I then assisted with clearing the streets and other areas of zombie debris; luckily the spectres hadn't left any ectoplasm or other ghostly byproducts to wash from the sandstone. At some point Skamos caught me as I was cleaning out my room; given my new position (or lack thereof), I assumed I wouldn't have the same place at the Oasis temple. We had a brief conversation about what had transpired, and at least he confirmed that I had not lost his favor. Instead, actually quite the opposite (so much for going slow). Skamos also invited me to continue joining him for his training, which I obliged. I busied myself with alchemy as I waited for the next day to come; Nasamos wouldn't let me teach the acolytes but I did find one student and our lesson, and our lesson strayed late into the night. Luckily I used this as an opportunity to keep an eye on Kaden, who still had not risen since the start of the siege. I packed my things and left for the evening, finding a room at the inn. Luckily, the scalpel stayed silent. I managed to speak with Cri about the Silver situation and appraised Kaelyn of the changing plans. The next day I went about town completing a few errands before returning to the temple to check on the sick. Eric and Kaden were both awake and I was able to speak with them both. Eric invited me to drinks in the evening, to which I obliged. His look haunted me at the time; he seemed in a faraway world like I know I have been before.
I was able to finally speak with Kaden again now that he was awake. I was surprised by the fact that he wanted to sit in a bed given his affinity for water, but learned that he at least prefers fresh water over salt, and requested some acolytes to change his prepared bath. During that conversation I helped him to understand what had happened based on what he explained. It seems that for the whole time we were fighting he was reliving his death, including Silver killing him. I finally started to explain that he had died and we brought him back. I warned that if he stayed at the Oasis he might run into Silver again since this was also her home, but assured him that he wouldn't have to interact with her if he didn't want to. I also brought up how he should consider finding a family and how I could help him arrange that. He seemed confused to I explained how having a guardian or support system directly tied to him could be beneficial, and how there were people willing to take on that role for him. In that list I guess I included myself. He keeps reminding me of myself, and how I don't want other children to go through what I did. At the suggestion, he actually wanted me to be his guardian. After learning more about the adoption process, I guess I can now say I am a guardian to Kaden Mac Craith. I let Kaden rest and copied some alchemy recipes in the library. I spoke with Skamos and Floran about Skamos's midnight meeting with Athanasios. He mentioned how he spoke with the God and got to tour the stars, speaking with the dead. To Jane, Iluna, and Nyana. ...
I spoke with Eric for dinner and returned for training, again going through the paces we had learned before Silver's abrupt departure. As Skamos convalesced the next day, I set up my alchemy kit so I could start brewing the new recipes. My endeavors were interrupted however, when Kaelyn informed me that they had all made contact, what Silver divulged to Cri, and how they were about to be on our doorstep. I panicked, realizing that Silver threw our plans down the drain in a bid for her mother. She had picked a side and made an enemy with Aterfodden, with whom our relationship is still considerably strained. I tried to communicate this with Skamos, but he was still exhausted from training. Seeing that time was of the essence, I ran for Nasamos's study to warn him about what was coming for us. WIP

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