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15th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era


by Sovereign of Aknir Callum Mac Craith

I learned that Floran had brought me to consciousness, and I was able to awaken the other two. We confirmed that the statue was Atticus and he was still cognisant, but his consciousness was suspended. We agreed to rest, and upon waking we agreed to discuss the Atticus conundrum. Upon waking we searched the room and found objects of interest, including a journal entry confirming our suspicions that Atticus is a living phylactery. We went about burning the bodies of the priests and stripping them of their amulets. I found a secret room and was attacked by a myriad of creatures and enchanted objects; luckily Floran, Skamos, and Nakama saved me. We found secret passages throughout and I, on my way to address the captives again, removed Silver's curse. She reacted in anger, which made the conversation explode into a huge argument about will, freedom, and choice. As Silver, Floran, and Skamos left, I found myself left in the center of suffering and prayed to Faustina. While I was alone I did not think of anyone or anything else to turn to, I knew she would hear me, but I didn’t think she would come to me. She approached me in the flesh and consulted me, telling me what she knew and asking me why I called on her. As usual she was rather patient yet blunt, and she conveyed how she was unsure of the situation at hand. While unprecedented, she was able to suggest bringing the boy to Ianatan, who had worked with purifying phylacteries before, but urging caution and conveying how death may be the only, final option. I then returned to the group, noting Silver's sobbing, and conveyed what Faustina shared with him about Atticus. As I tried to argue for Atticus's life, I began trying to reach out to Cecily and got a prompt response. While I spoke with her, it became clear that Silver would need time. She requested time alone to think, so we gave her a moment to process and she demolished something and scared Nakama out of the room.
Skamos prayed to his god and got just about the same answer we all did, so it seems. Floran and I freed the 32 captives that wished to be freed, and Floran was temporarily gifted Skamos's sword Serenity Found to complete the task. As we finished and returned to Silver's room, Skamos met with us and informed us of Silver's decision. I needed no further prompting and began feeding Cecily the information she needed, and she and Tetch appeared before us in minutes. We ascertained that we would be able to get everyone and the bodies back to Vathi with little-to-no trace. We decided to destroy any evidence before alerting the king. I received the message "Excellent work Callum. Please gather your squad and return back posthaste. We will discuss our next steps as I send a cleanup crew with Lovrekke," from the King. I will wait to respond. We managed to agree to buy time with some probable excuses, but determining we had two or three days before we appeared before the king. After dinner with Cobalt in the tower, where he challenged me about Gyzatoak, I helped Floran build a forge and observed Skamos's training while Floran was pulled away by Tetch. We continued building for a while, planning to store the contraption in our new bag of holding as we travel. As we went to rest, I felt compelled to talk to my sister based on recent allegations and speculation rolling around in the back of my mind.
We are expected to be back in the King's presence on the 18th of this month.
I learned that Floran had brought me to consciousness, and I was able to awaken the other two. We confirmed that the statue was Atticus and he was still cognisant, but his consciousness was suspended. We agreed to rest, and upon waking we agreed to discuss the Atticus conundrum. Upon waking we searched the room and found objects of interest, including a journal entry confirming our suspicions that Atticus is a living phylactery. We went about burning the bodies of the priests and stripping them of their amulets. I found a secret room and was attacked by a myriad of creatures and enchanted objects; luckily Floran, Skamos, and Nakama saved me. We found secret passages throughout and I, on my way to address the captives again, removed Silver's curse. She reacted in anger, which made the conversation explode into a huge argument about will, freedom, and choice. As Silver, Floran, and Skamos left, I found myself left in the center of suffering and prayed to Faustina. While I was alone I did not think of anyone or anything else to turn to, I knew she would hear me, but I didn’t think she would come to me. She approached me in the flesh and consulted me, telling me what she knew and asking me why I called on her. As usual she was rather patient yet blunt, and she conveyed how she was unsure of the situation at hand. While unprecedented, she was able to suggest bringing the boy to Ianatan, who had worked with purifying phylacteries before, but urging caution and conveying how death may be the only, final option. I then returned to the group, noting Silver's sobbing, and conveyed what Faustina shared with him about Atticus. As I tried to argue for Atticus's life, I began trying to reach out to Cecily and got a prompt response. While I spoke with her, it became clear that Silver would need time. She requested time alone to think, so we gave her a moment to process and she demolished something and scared Nakama out of the room.
Skamos prayed to his god and got just about the same answer we all did, so it seems. Floran and I freed the 32 captives that wished to be freed, and Floran was temporarily gifted Skamos's sword Serenity Found to complete the task. As we finished and returned to Silver's room, Skamos met with us and informed us of Silver's decision. I needed no further prompting and began feeding Cecily the information she needed, and she and Tetch appeared before us in minutes. We ascertained that we would be able to get everyone and the bodies back to Vathi with little-to-no trace. We decided to destroy any evidence before alerting the king. I received the message "Excellent work Callum. Please gather your squad and return back posthaste. We will discuss our next steps as I send a cleanup crew with Lovrekke," from the King. I will wait to respond. We managed to agree to buy time with some probable excuses, but determining we had two or three days before we appeared before the king. After dinner with Cobalt in the tower, where he challenged me about Gyzatoak, I helped Floran build a forge and observed Skamos's training while Floran was pulled away by Tetch. We continued building for a while, planning to store the contraption in our new bag of holding as we travel. As we went to rest, I felt compelled to talk to my sister based on recent allegations and speculation rolling around in the back of my mind. After reassuring her of my intentions, I was able to learn a shocking amount of grave information. I'll have to think on what I have learned, and I must learn more about how wide and deep this goes before I act on it.
We are expected to be back in the King's presence on the 18th of this month.

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  14. New Knowledge
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  16. New Information About the Cult
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  31. Stars Aligned
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  32. Reconciling Our Differences
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  33. Delving Deeper
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  34. Returning to the Catacombs
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  35. Plummeting Closer
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  36. King's Orders
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  37. Thin Ice
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  38. Out of the Pan, Into the Fire
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  39. Crossroads
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  40. Words, Words, Words
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  41. An End to a Journey
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