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14th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era

Out of the Pan, Into the Fire

by Sovereign of Aknir Callum Mac Craith

After our rest we moved through the hallway opened by the gemstones, which led to a new room all encased in stone. In this new room we found ourselves in a room prompting us to wipe our feet on the carpet in the entrance hall. I obliged as did Floran, whereas Silver deliberately wiped her feet on the floor. Skamos seemed to not heed the words what-so-ever. After this action, I smelt roses. We passed through to find a room with a tree growing out of the center, and a wall with two rings of flowers. The flowers and plants making the circles were dandelions, lavender, and monstera. In the center were lilies. I grabbed 10 lilies from the two centers. We made our way through a large ornate door on the opposite side and found a hall lined with statues opening to a large antechamber. Silver and I took the lead. After listening in I realized I was unable to understand the language with accuracy, only taking snippets from previous conversations with Skamos and Silver. I presume it might be celestial in nature. After quietly communicating with Silver we decided to kill two and take one hostage. I managed to subdue one as my compatriots took down the others. We took two ceremonial daggers and the prayer book, among other things.
Silver managed to charm the subdued priest with her locket and learned more about the plans of the group. Specifically that Lady Perot, the supposed leader, is planning a demonstration that requires killing her with the ceremonial daggers I pocketed. After learning what we could I gave the poor man a chance before snapping his neck. I took the heads of his compatriots before we moved on. Silver shared how, when the man died, she felt some of her life force leave her. Floran identified the locket as cursed, and I offered to remove the curse later. We doubled back, finding the antechamber to be a dead end. We decided to take the southmost door in the tree of life room, saving the north door for later.
Upon venturing south we managed to quickly dispatch the first guard, but alerted the others due to the ferocity of our dispatching. I tried to disguise the situation but ran out of time, so we entered a small bloodbath from our front and right. During the match I thought about how I should have possibly barred with north door with the rod, but thought against it as it might alert them more than leaving it. We ran into Lady Perot herself, looking more necrotic than usual. She managed to torment us some before leaving her lambs to be slaughtered. She managed to paralyze me before she disappeared, and made an announcement to her followers about our presence.
We were able to obliterate her army, although I sustained a grave amount of damage. We made our way back to the tree room, leading to fighting and cutting down more foes. After, Lady Perot reached out to us, noting that since we cut down her army, we should come to her. Behind her words, echoing her, Paracelsus bid us find him. As we were momentarily resting, we were interrupted by an irritated Lady Perot. She rose all of the dead we made and casted a spell. We quickly dispatched the zombies and pressed on. In a new room we found an office with a logbook. We found names of victims, including the Jastire family and Gillian Muir, who I presume to be Kaden's mother.
Notes on the victim are disguised in the Tortle written language, as Floran is able to point out. The each member of the Jastire family have notes, the two with matching notes being Silver and Alma. As we moved beyond this group we broke into two teams, and Silver decided to join me. We found a dwarven man with his face magically rearranged. He refused to speak to me, but Silver compelled him to like us through her cursed locket, and we learned a little more about his fears returning to the surface. We conveyed to him our intent to save him in the name of the King, and left him to decide his fate. I tried to convey my concern with Silver using the locket on these tortured innocents, but she didn't seem to agree with me, implying that either she uses the cursed amulet or they die. Honestly, if they choose death I would have been willing to give them that mercy as long as they chose it freely. We marched on, opening all the cells, reconvening with Skamos and Floran at the end. We even encountered a drow named Galeron who I had met before on my travels. He seemed relatively unfazed so we let him go about his business to find his own trouble.
The last room we found was a new office with Lady Perot and a few mutated monsters such as cockatrice, a basilisk, and a gorgon. When I attacked Perot, however, I found that Shadow of Mercy responded with forceful damage rather than something more celestial. We were able to down the rest of her menagerie, but she made me see the end flash before my eyes as she picked us off one by one. When I woke again, it seemed as though time has passed, which prompted me to write what I could remember before moving on.

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  36. King's Orders
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  37. Thin Ice
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  38. Out of the Pan, Into the Fire
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