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21st of Stiriacus 1017 2nd Era

Into Choppy Waters

by Sovereign of Aknir Callum Mac Craith

We managed our way to the inn and I offered to pay for everyone's night. I thought it was the least I could do all things considered. I managed to wash and care to Lareina before tending to my own gear; given her state of filth, her care was my first priority. After, I bought myself a few more amenities before cleaning up myself, trying to numb myself with two Wounds. Skamos visited me a little later on and we managed to discuss a few matters regarding our recent travels. In the morning we convened to discuss our next plans, including securing a boat to take us back to Ailbhafair. I went to the general store with Silver and managed to pawn off a few items and turned around to buy Silver a potion of greater restoration so she could have her memory back. On the way back we talked more about what happened in the sewers, and she revealed how she was afraid of the Paracelcans, and gave more information about her father Damakos. Luckily, this apology seemed to go over much better than the one Skamos had suggested. We reconvened with the others at the docks and secured passage at half-fare (or near) in exchange for our services protecting the ship. As we sailed through Lake Sidhe, none other than the King himself landed on our vessel. I tried to make myself scarce, but to no avail. I can now say I have officially met the King of Aknir and shook his hand twice. He was cordial enough, and apparently had invited Floran (and by proxy, us) to the castle. At least Tanaka could have her rest now given that we had a tangible way to get her information. That night, Silver had a terrible time falling asleep, and I may have let my displeasure show as she was agitating all of her bunkmates.
The next day Silver and I talked about what had bothered her the night before, and after discussing further with Skamos, we confirmed that she is indeed growing a second tail, supposedly like her father. As I tried to talk to her about it later in the day, we were interrupted by a Roc that had decided to engage with the ship. I was temporarily brought back to my training days, and to Nyana. Luckily, with Skamos's stunning strikes we were able to beat the dazed Roc before it tried to fly away. Skamos dove in after it once it fell from the sky from one of my hits. I jumped in after him to find him trying to free his scimitar from the dead creature. Together with the help of Silver's rope and our team's combined efforts, Skamos and I managed to get back aboard this ship.

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