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13th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era

Thin Ice

by Sovereign of Aknir Callum Mac Craith

Upon waking we decided to rearrange the tiles and try to find the key to open the door of the room we were previously unable to fully access. We pushed through to a new room filled and constructed of ice. I tried to skate across the lake like I had done as a child to make the traversal of the room faster, but I was mistaken in some of my calculations. This mistake awoke two large beasts that sprung forth from the water, which I later learned were called Remoraz. We were able to dispatch of them quickly and upon killing them, we then made our way to the new altar in the icy room. The altar was exactly like that of the bone room, and had the same properties and capabilities. We were able to move the puzzle pieces of the altar around but to no avail, finding that we were still unable to advance in the room with the green sigil. Upon another attempt of shuffling the board, we made our way into a new room with a floor-installed chessboard. When we interacted with the board our bodies were altered and we assumed positions on the chess board. We had to make a concerted effort to fight, especially seeing that our opposing army had the ability to bend the rules of chess and summon more "pieces" in the form of monsters and fiends. Luckily, in spite of me being nearly felled and losing consciousness, we were able to solve the puzzle and neutralize the threat. After this we managed to rest.
When we were ready to move on, we were beckoned to by a being that could speak in our minds. The next room, where the voice coaxed us to go, was a room fully flooded up to the ankles in water and was surprisingly (or unsurprisingly) dark. In certain pockets the water was so deep that the water turned black, and from a pocket in the center, a creature rose up to speak with us, regarding us in the flesh as well. The creature tried to win me over to free it and join forces with it, but I heartily resisted its advances. During my conversation with it I learned that the creature can use the minds of those it slays, including several survey teams sent by the king. From what it harvested, it has learned much about our party, but seems to project or access knowledge of potential futures. According to it, Skamos is hurtling towards a devilish immortality that would insult and alienate Athanasios, and the King wishes to bathe Aknir in fire to birth it anew. Upon my asking, the creature revealed that despite the King being without heir, distant family members of note may take the throne once his claim is forfeit. Again, it assessed me as ill-fit to protect Skamos and the people of Aknir from the King's Fire and entreated me to use its powers. All of this seemed too good to be true, which made my refusal easier. I wondered if the creature was probing me of my own concerns, as I have worried for a while that Skamos has been teetering towards a dangerous edge as he's thrown himself at challenges since his lessons with Nasamos. Apparently the thing goading us doesn't claim any allegiance to anything outside itself.
After a tedious parleying with the creature we found that we had come to an impasse, as all of my comrades also declined its advances. Silver divulged that the thing is called an "Aboleth" as well as some of its nasty habits. We questioned it more and it revealed a theory of how its vitality is connected to the door we could not open, which was tucked away just behind the creature. Despite its advances and appeals, we decided that killing it was our best option and did so rather swiftly.
Once it was dead we found that he doors opened to a small room with an alter, just like the others. We managed to unlock the door in the "green circle" room and recovered a magical emerald. Returning to the alter, we moved the rooms again and found a new room that was seeped in darkness save for three platforms. I flew across with Nakama after we found that the dragon spirit couldn't open the chest. The lock seemed to be a hand print, and with opening it we recovered a small sapphire similar to the emerald. Leaving Silver to man the alter again, she managed to move us to another alter room, the first room, and managed to get us to the last room we had to clear. Entering it, we found that we were watching a lazy river of fire as the chest was blocked by a prismatic wall. On the lazy river of lava we encountered several elementals that were lava-like in nature. We worked to dispatch of all the elemental and retrieved a ruby at the end, just like the last two rooms. After we retrieved it, we returned to the first alter room to rest for a long while. At the south door of the room we notice inlays perfectly cut for the gems we collected during our rest. After our rest we insert the gems the door shatters in a burst of dust, opening to a new and unexpected long ornate hall.

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  31. Stars Aligned
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  32. Reconciling Our Differences
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  33. Delving Deeper
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  34. Returning to the Catacombs
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  35. Plummeting Closer
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  36. King's Orders
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  37. Thin Ice
    13th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  38. Out of the Pan, Into the Fire
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  39. Crossroads
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  40. Words, Words, Words
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  41. An End to a Journey
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