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12th of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era

More Chores for Dragonlord

by Sovereign of Aknir Callum Mac Craith

We finally made it to Celia's after meeting with a leatherworking merchant just outside Vathi. We handed over Kobalt and Kaiden and spent the night in the tower, feasting on the bear Tanaka (the half-dragon captain) and I were able to take down for dinner. I was able to brew an antitoxin to give to Skamos and I have more supplies for one healing potion, which I brewed later. On the road again, we narrowly missed a Cyclops and managed to pass a Gynosphynx on the road. Upon making it to the Court, we were ogled at by all of the inhabitants.
Upon meeting with Aterfodden, he was as irate as we expected. For some reason, I was possessed to argue for Tanaka's life; after my discussion with Skamos it didn't seem right for her to die because of his actions. Upon hearing my plea, Aterfodden gave Tanaka an option. He gave her two choices for death, or a suicide mission with us. She chose the third. Upon this, Aterfodden revealed that he wanted us to smuggle Tanaka into Sernos to gather intel on the King. We also relayed information about Celia, and I was able to convince the Dragonlord that she was harmless to him and his plans. After which, we left the court and Skamos asked why I was so ready to accept the mission. It seemed that he had forgot; we had already been requested by the king to find what would most likely be Aterfodden. It's not the brightest plan, but by playing both sides we can maintain our neutrality as we become further embroiled in this plot, especially after recent events. I plan on relying on my contacts in Sernos and seeing if a Hat of Disguise or something of the like would do the trick for Tanaka and we can smuggle her into the city. Honestly, I would be fine doing this on her behalf and having her report to Aterfodden with our findings (a... simplified version of events, at least). Hopefully, this works.

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