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4th of Relaquum, 1017

New Gear and New Horizons

by Sovereign of Aknir Callum Mac Craith

After the culture shock of landing on a different plane of existence, Anglor decided that she would wait in Kraberkai and monitor the situation while Floran, Skamos, and I ventured to the Ettercap forest to retrieve the deadly plants for Evald. Before leaving, we reached out to multiple people about our suspicions. I met with Odinkar, who agreed to start making weaponry for the commonfolk if worse came while we were absent. Floran met with Eir and explained the situation, and Skamos visited the bar to inform the keep and Thyri as well as trying to talk sense into those at the keep. We were mostly successful in our endeavors; of course the Lord and his family did not see the situation as we did, more or less confirming our initial suspicions.
In the forest, we felled two Ettercaps and a swarm of spiders before grabbing a whole hemlock plant and a whole snakeroot plant and accidentally starting a forest fire from the desiccated vegetation. We fled from the forest and returned on the 4th of Relaquum, where we found a dreary shift in the town. We questioned one of the few remaining Albergair refugees about the whereabouts of Eir and found that he and his people were mining at the quarry as per Jane's demands. Upon meeting with Eir, we learned that Jane had issued an ultimatum: the refugees must convert their homes to stone in the fashion of old Kraberkai, or leave, and she gave them a deadline of the last of Mors.
Upon learning this we were horrified and started thinking of a plan to circumvent this impasse. We met with Evald, who was grateful for the whole plants we safely returned to him. He was only able to make four health potions, which we split, and he gave us an additional 150 gold on top of returning my original 150 gold. I took back my coin and we distributed the new 150 pieces evenly (37 gold and 5 silver). We then also met with Odinkar, who was frantically making pickaxes, and garnered a little more information from him. We also checked in on the keep, but seeing as it was as heavily fortified from a (unfounded) refugee-assassin threat, we decided not to engage. We also met with the Hill Giant named Isabel to see if she could assist us in combat, which she was unable.
After a long deliberation underneath the eclipsed sun, we decided it would be best to head to Ailbhefair and take a ship to The Oasis of the Ancillary to try and hire one of Skamos's sisters as an assassin as our plan to assassinate Jane. If that does not work, we will then try to initiate a religious combat and see if Jane will take on two opponents, either of Linneaus or of Athanasios. We will board an on-route cargo ship to the Ancillary and back, then we shall hire horses once back in Ailbhefair to hasten our return to Kraberkai. For now, we should be sure to stock up on supplies and the townships and villages in Aknir are far and few between these two cities. So far we have only told Evald of our plans, and very cryptically at that, which he promised to pass on to Eir, since we may not see him again before we leave.

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  1. A New Day, A New Party
    30th of Alitus, 1017 2nd Era
  2. New Leads
    31st of Altius, 1017 2nd Era
  3. New Job and a Growing Issue
    35th of Alitus, 1017 2nd Era
  4. New Gear and New Horizons
    4th of Relaquum, 1017
  5. New Friends and New Sights
    8th of Moors, 1017
  6. New Knowledge and Revelations
    14th of Mors, 1017
  7. New Paths and Old Friends
    15th of Moors, 1017
  8. New Page and Young Face
    16th of Moors, 1017
  9. New Victory, Old Business
    22nd of Moors, 1017 2nd Era
  10. New Beginnings, Forging Relations
    28th of Moors, 1017 2nd Era
  11. New Faces New Adventure
    32nd of Moors, 1017 2nd Era
  12. New Friends and New Travels
    6th of Amarus, 1017 2nd Era
  13. New Sights and Encounters
    5th of Amarus, 1017 2nd Era
  14. New Knowledge
    19th of Amarus, 1017 second era
  15. New Recruit and Old Wounds
    23rd of Amarus, 1017 2nd Era
  16. New Information About the Cult
    22nd of Amarus, 1017 2nd Era
  17. New Predicaments of Paracelcus
    23rd of Amarus, 1017 2nd Era
  18. New Colleagues and New Leads
    28th of Amarus, 1017 2nd Era
  19. Confirming a Hunch
    29th of Amarus, 1017 2nd Era
  20. The One that Didn't Get Away
    35th of Amarus, 1017 2nd Era
  21. Tensions Rise and Fall
    35th of Amarus, 1017 2nd Era
  22. First Taste of Blood
    5th of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era
  23. More Chores for Dragonlord
    12th of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era
  24. Into the Depths of Noma
    18th of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era
  25. Into Choppy Waters
    21st of Stiriacus 1017 2nd Era
  26. Twice the Dragon Roars
    22nd of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era
  27. Stormy Seas
    25th of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era
  28. Shipwrecked
    30th of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era
  29. Accepting the Call
    32nd of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era
  30. And So They Came to Our Door
    33rd of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era
  31. Stars Aligned
    35th of Stiracus, 1017 2nd Era
  32. Reconciling Our Differences
    2nd of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  33. Delving Deeper
    9th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  34. Returning to the Catacombs
    10th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  35. Plummeting Closer
    11th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  36. King's Orders
    12th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  37. Thin Ice
    13th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  38. Out of the Pan, Into the Fire
    14th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  39. Crossroads
    15th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  40. Words, Words, Words
    18th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  41. An End to a Journey
    30th of Alitas, 1018 2nd Era