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33rd of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era

And So They Came to Our Door

by Sovereign of Aknir Callum Mac Craith

I woke up to silence and tried to commune with Athanasios and it did not succeed, so I reached out to Faustina, who did reply. She encouraged me to not feel despair if we lost, and implied that Paracelsus can be defeated due to his fallibility. As I left to speak with Skamos, as directed by Faustina, I saw that some people were encircled in blue light like that of the Mother. I approached one of these people and asked if they worshiped the Mother, and encouraged him to spread her Mercy this day. I made my way to the temple and entered, meeting with Skamos and Floran before seeking out Nasamos. Nasamos gave us the directive to protect the Oasis, to which we agreed. They encounter acolytes in the hallway and I ordered three to begin escorting citizens into the temple for shelter. I met with Eric after he mentioned how he was ill, saw that he is decaying in his infirmary bed. Upon hearing pleas for water, I noticed that Kaden had been brought in. I immediately asked Skamos to take over as I scooped up Kaden to put him in a pool in Nasamos's study. I reached out to Cecily to ask about how to stop this impending doom, and she mentioned having found a teleportation scroll. Upon the prompt, I tried to find Alma's room to find another teleportation circle. Together I, Cecily, and Kaelyn help to cast a teleportation circle and a drove of 350 zombies from Cecily's army storm through the circle. I confirmed that Cecily and those of Mac Craith (Cain, Cecily, and Kaelyn) can control them. I marched the units out and met with Skamos and Floran. Together, we agreed on a battle plan as Tanaka joined us. Two units (including three beholder zombies) are stationed at the temple, while all others are sent to different points in the area to stave off the attack.
The battle was rough at the south bridge and I got possessed by a ghost, and Skamos was almost downed by a banshee wail. Luckily he burned a ki point to stay alive. We retreated to the second line, and I met up with Skamos again. Skamos retreated to meet with Tiamos and I was slain in combat. I met Athanasios and Faustina and was reassured that his families were at peace and proud. AsI refused to die, I was cast out by Athansios and fully accepted by Faustina. I glowed with blue light and returned to the land of the living, spoke with Skamos and my sisters, met up with Floran and a new plan was formed. We gave Floran potions from Tiamos (Skamos keeping the potion of lesser restoration) and we retreated to defend the temple and to protect ourselves, knowing Floran was the most capable. At the temple we held the final line against what Floran identified as a Death Tyrant. Luckily, despite my being petrified by the ungodly undead beholder. I lost consciousness somewhere in the middle combat and awoke on my back, being held by Skamos and my head smarting. We exchanged a few words and retreated to the temple as Nasamos addressed the citizens of the Oasis.

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