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35th of Amarus, 1017 2nd Era

The One that Didn't Get Away

by Sovereign of Aknir Callum Mac Craith

Let's just say it's been a rough go since we left Celia and the tower. We made it to Killiganhaft with no issue but found more than enough problems once we started to locate Kobalt. Floran and I went in one direction to help canvas the area and encountered what I later learned to be a Boneclaw. Floran and I awoke in its lair, trapped, but at least we had found where Kobalt went. After a day of waiting, watching, and planning, Floran and I made our escape with Kobalt. After twisting and turning, hauling the depleted paladin with us, we found our gear and managed to escape, reuniting with Skamos and Iluna. Sadly, the Boneclaw was quick to catch on and met us out in the woods. It was a fierce battle, and only three of us survived. Sadly, after incapacitating Iluna and bringing her to the gates of death, the Boneclaw let out a fierce roar that sealed her fate. Sadly, the scroll hadn't passed my mind until it was too late. We managed to bring all our bodies back to town and I started making arrangements for Iluna.
I found a runner, procured a coffin for transport, and found a trinket of Athanasios and Faustina to put on her person for her final rest. I hope she chose well. In the meantime, the next morning we encountered a druid who calls herself Silver. During the day I made contact with Celia and relayed what happened, and she informed me that a Boneclaw is often attached to a master, often a necromancer or the most evil person in the vicinity. Approaching the priest Krox, we were able to establish an opportunity to test our theory. At this evening's banquet we will have both Krox and Kobalt try to sus out the most evil individual in town and take them to their death. While we were reconvening to establish this plan we encountered a street urchin who was turned down the opportunity for food. His name is Kaden, and he is a nine-year-old Triton who lives in the nearby pond. It's interesting to see such a small town have such an out-of-place urchin. His morals seem askew, but I don't particularly blame him. We will take him under our wing for now and try to figure the best outcome for him that is within our power. I marked the doorframe of the man who accosted and nearly assaulted the poor boy. I don't need magic to tell me that he's a rotten man, and I shall have Skamos's 10 gold returned to him.

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  20. The One that Didn't Get Away
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