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22nd of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era

Twice the Dragon Roars

by Sovereign of Aknir Callum Mac Craith

After our encounter with the Roc we managed to rest for the night. In the morning, we awoke to the fact that our ship had been boarded by a military vessel. The captain asked me to bring up any other passengers and I obliged, bringing Silver, Skamos, and Floran with me. He asked for our papers, to which we obliged. The captain managed to heckle Floran until he was shown the royal invitation, which made him pale and retreat. Most of the day was spent training and practicing, and I managed to give Floran a crash-course in undead. During the night we were set upon by an adult white dragon. It was a gnarly fight that left me dead in the water until I was brought aboard and revived. I went downstairs to bandage my wounds, but resurfaced when I felt the boat sway unnaturally. Upon reaching the deck I saw what the cause was: the dragon's corpse was back on the ship. I saw Floran grow the scalpel they found in the temple of Paracelsus and begin to sever the head from the beast. As they worked, I saw that they were not beheading the dead dragon, and tried to pry the scalpel from their grasp to no avail. It was as if they were set to their task carving runes into the beast and it glowed something fierce before rising once more. We managed to down the beast again, and it plunged back into the sea. I was... Disgusted. Shocked. Angered. I ordered Floran to not use the scalpel again and to learn it well. If they ever resurrected another being I promised them that I would take their head, to which they agreed. I went back downstairs after that; I couldn't manage to stand the sight of Skamos and Floran. Later, Tanaka asked what happened and she seemed to be impressed that we downed an adult white dragon twice. I'm hoping I can quickly sleep this off and bounce back. This is two times we have come close to an untimely end aboard this ship, and I'd rather not keep doing this same song and dance.

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  1. A New Day, A New Party
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  2. New Leads
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  3. New Job and a Growing Issue
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  4. New Gear and New Horizons
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  5. New Friends and New Sights
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  6. New Knowledge and Revelations
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  7. New Paths and Old Friends
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  8. New Page and Young Face
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  9. New Victory, Old Business
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  10. New Beginnings, Forging Relations
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  11. New Faces New Adventure
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  12. New Friends and New Travels
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  13. New Sights and Encounters
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  14. New Knowledge
    19th of Amarus, 1017 second era
  15. New Recruit and Old Wounds
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  16. New Information About the Cult
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  17. New Predicaments of Paracelcus
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  18. New Colleagues and New Leads
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  19. Confirming a Hunch
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  20. The One that Didn't Get Away
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  21. Tensions Rise and Fall
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  22. First Taste of Blood
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  23. More Chores for Dragonlord
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  24. Into the Depths of Noma
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  25. Into Choppy Waters
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  26. Twice the Dragon Roars
    22nd of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era
  27. Stormy Seas
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  28. Shipwrecked
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  29. Accepting the Call
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  30. And So They Came to Our Door
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  31. Stars Aligned
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  32. Reconciling Our Differences
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  33. Delving Deeper
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  34. Returning to the Catacombs
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  35. Plummeting Closer
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  36. King's Orders
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  37. Thin Ice
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  38. Out of the Pan, Into the Fire
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  39. Crossroads
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  40. Words, Words, Words
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  41. An End to a Journey
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