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22nd of Moors, 1017 2nd Era

New Victory, Old Business

by Sovereign of Aknir Callum Mac Craith

After our battle with Ignatius we decided to rest, as Skamos had faced the brunt of battle. Failing to mention the alternate dimension which we had visited, after we rested and healed we decided to quickly move on to assess the trouble that still lie yet before us. We chose the door to the left; what had been Ignatius's right, and proceeded. We braved a few more Kobolds after encountering a room full of statues of both Athanasios and Paracelsus. Minding the trial's words we avoided the statues' of Paracelsus' gaze. After the pit of Kobolds and the statues, we found a room with a lone ornate chest and 3 slits in the southern wall. Deducing that they were arrow slits, I made my way past with a dead Kobold's body as a shield. After a few unsuccessful attempts at blocking the arrows, Skamos and I killed the kobolds hidden behind the wall. In the chest Skamos retrieved a small, ornamental scimitar made of pure gold. We returned to the antechamber and proceeded through the path of greed, despite my reservations, which I appreciate in retrospect.
We passed through a chamber filled with gold and did not assist the odd skeleton buried within the horde. At the locked door, Skamos used the ornamental scimitar to unlock the doorway which led into an unanticipated area. It was a room full of lush grass and flowing clear water. We could either snake around the implied path made with wooden bridges, or do as Skamos did and jump over the rushing water to the other side of the room. Upon jumping, some green vines slammed Skamos to the other side, finishing his jump for him. After this Skamos reported that the next door was locked with no way to unlock it; only a picture of a tendrilled monster on the doorface. With this information in mind, Floran volunteered to try and lure the thing that had attacked Skamos up from its depths. After Floran did not return, Skamos and I decided to go in after Floran. It was a long, arduous battle. I remember fighting for my life, seeing Floran miraculously revive and shoot out of the water with all his might, only to valiantly jump back in and face the peril once more. There are parts of the battle that I do not remember; where everything was black and warm, cloying, suffocating. I had not even realized the battle was one when I came to my senses once more. I was on land, gasping for air and purging water from my lungs, my glaive still clutched fiercely in my hands. After our recovery and victory, we made our way around the room and opened the next door.
We were greeted by an apparition of a man in gold armor with black and red accents, with beaming olive skin. He regarded Skamos and his bowing, beckoning him forward. On the alter at the end of the immaculate room was a wicked scimitar and a ring. Skamos retrieved both and we all resurfaced from the dungeon and made a swift return to the Oasis, and ultimately to Nasamos. Nasamos commended us all and verified Skamos's new title as the Emissary, and Skamos was also gifted the items he had retrieved from the trial. We were also informed that Zatuma had been contacted, and that we were to pay 300 gold to hire Rieta, discounts and beneficiary donations having already been paid. Skamos, Floran and I all offered 10 platinum to pay the fee. After paying we were informed that Rieta had already been sent on her mission to kill Jane, and it was noted among Skamos's family the station Jane held. Nasamos also informed us of a proposition from the King of Aknir; a formidable man of whom I have many conflicting reports and have no intention of trusting so readily. The proposition was that either the Oasis would assist us how we could, ensuring our trip would be faster with their resources, or the king offered to expedite our mission by lending us the assistance of Wyverns. Given that the exchange for the wyverns was to locate an Ancient Blue Dragon causing havoc, we opted to go by sea and land rather than air, but noting to Nasamos that this was not a hard pass on the King's "generosity." From there we packed our things and made way to the fastest ship of the Oasis and had parting words with Nasamos, who gave Skamos an encrypted Sending Stone (of which we briefly taught Skamos how to use) before we boarded our ship and left for Ailbhafair.
I regret not using this opportunity to my further benefit by meeting with Nasamos privately, but I also realize that given our scenario and that this was a sort of homecoming for Skamos, it did not seem the right time to pursue such affairs. Besides, given that Skamos is now the Emissary of the Oasis, I have a feeling this will not be our last visit to the deserts of Aknir.

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  1. A New Day, A New Party
    30th of Alitus, 1017 2nd Era
  2. New Leads
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  3. New Job and a Growing Issue
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  4. New Gear and New Horizons
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  5. New Friends and New Sights
    8th of Moors, 1017
  6. New Knowledge and Revelations
    14th of Mors, 1017
  7. New Paths and Old Friends
    15th of Moors, 1017
  8. New Page and Young Face
    16th of Moors, 1017
  9. New Victory, Old Business
    22nd of Moors, 1017 2nd Era
  10. New Beginnings, Forging Relations
    28th of Moors, 1017 2nd Era
  11. New Faces New Adventure
    32nd of Moors, 1017 2nd Era
  12. New Friends and New Travels
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  13. New Sights and Encounters
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  14. New Knowledge
    19th of Amarus, 1017 second era
  15. New Recruit and Old Wounds
    23rd of Amarus, 1017 2nd Era
  16. New Information About the Cult
    22nd of Amarus, 1017 2nd Era
  17. New Predicaments of Paracelcus
    23rd of Amarus, 1017 2nd Era
  18. New Colleagues and New Leads
    28th of Amarus, 1017 2nd Era
  19. Confirming a Hunch
    29th of Amarus, 1017 2nd Era
  20. The One that Didn't Get Away
    35th of Amarus, 1017 2nd Era
  21. Tensions Rise and Fall
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  22. First Taste of Blood
    5th of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era
  23. More Chores for Dragonlord
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  24. Into the Depths of Noma
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  25. Into Choppy Waters
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  26. Twice the Dragon Roars
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  27. Stormy Seas
    25th of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era
  28. Shipwrecked
    30th of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era
  29. Accepting the Call
    32nd of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era
  30. And So They Came to Our Door
    33rd of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era
  31. Stars Aligned
    35th of Stiracus, 1017 2nd Era
  32. Reconciling Our Differences
    2nd of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  33. Delving Deeper
    9th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  34. Returning to the Catacombs
    10th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  35. Plummeting Closer
    11th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  36. King's Orders
    12th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  37. Thin Ice
    13th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  38. Out of the Pan, Into the Fire
    14th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  39. Crossroads
    15th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  40. Words, Words, Words
    18th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  41. An End to a Journey
    30th of Alitas, 1018 2nd Era