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5th of Amarus, 1017 2nd Era

New Sights and Encounters

by Sovereign of Aknir Callum Mac Craith

In Hanamura we promptly bought winter gear for Skamos and myself before buying rations for ourselves and our horse. Staying overnight in the Blooming Lily inn, we set out in the morning to seek Madison O'Neillan in Suthrynster. We marched for roughly 10 days to Floran's home town and had two daring encounters. One was a fight with a young White Dragon. It was a big fight that temporarily took Skamos and myself out of the running if it weren't for Floran's quick work reviving us. We were able to retrieve meat and scaled hide from the dragon before we moved on. Later we found a worn road to town, and a bridge guarded by two Winter Wolves. Upon revealing my wolf-form to them and making peace, they let us pass and we were able to make it to town.
The town was encircled by massive trees and built upon even more gargantuan trees. We first went to the Temple of Linneaus and spoke with an Antlered cleric who seemed quite dismissive of anything not of his faith. He had little to no information about Madison, so we decided to move our focus elsewhere. We found Floran's forgemaster who gave us information of Madison. She was apparently traveling with a sizeable wood elf named Edgar, who requested of the Forgemaster a ring, but he sent them to the craftsman. We were directed to speak with the Craftmaster, and that she might have some information. She directed us to Jesper Oddvarson, Fred Braaten, and Hilda as jewelry smiths that might be recommended for making wedding-related wear. After our encounter we decided to visit Jesper first. With Jesper as a dead end we moved on to Fred. Fred, at first with pompous reluctance he revealed that he was also a dead end. We then visited with Hilda, who informed us that Madison was fawning over Edgar, who bought her an expensive ring. We made the time away from Hilda's work worth her while and moved to the temple district to find Madison and if she was to be wed to Edgar. We were informed that they might try through Helene, so that was our fist bet. After working with one of the attendants to the temple of Helene we learned that Madison and Edgar were married and set up here, so we went to find their home. We accidentally walked in on them and Madison was kind enough to explain the reality of the situation and her stance on the matter.
We came to the conclusion that we would leave Madison and Edgar to their business and fabricated a story that while we were trying to secure her for a return transfer she was attacked and eaten by a white dragon, since we'd have the hide to "prove" it, even after hopefully getting to use the hide for some new armor. We met with the Forgemaster, who was able to make me new armor and a new, double-bladed glaive at a fraction of the cost. We supplied him with the dragon hide we harvested earlier. After Forgemaster's work I was able to retrieve 5 sq feet of the dragon's hide to present to the Lord of Kraberkai if we decide to sell him our story. I now have a new glaive and armor, which makes the cold seem just a little less harsh. Speaking with Floran, we decided that next we would meet with his maker before we make our trip back.

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  11. New Faces New Adventure
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  12. New Friends and New Travels
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  13. New Sights and Encounters
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  14. New Knowledge
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  15. New Recruit and Old Wounds
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  16. New Information About the Cult
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  20. The One that Didn't Get Away
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  41. An End to a Journey
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