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25th of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era

Stormy Seas

by Sovereign of Aknir Callum Mac Craith

I talked to Skamos about what had been happening recently, he tried to convince me of having new magic. Silver angered me during training and I let them train while I taught Floran blood magic. She was giving me attitude so I ended up shooting her with anger. Had dinner and talked to Floran about his possible army. Fed Lareina and talked with Skamos more, truly accepting that I have been chosen by two gods. Then we were met by Paracelsus himself and his ghostly vessel, and we managed to fend of a horde of ghosts and other apiritions. I have been aged, strength sapped, and I fell into medical shock from meeting Paracelsus and narrowly surviving the onslaught. I was escorted to bed and slept as the rest of the party helped guide the ship to Ailbhafair.
Landed in Ailbhafair and met up with Ianatan, handed over Lareina and all with time sickness were healed. Met with Anglor and Ianatan revealed that I am a paladin. I now have my amulet (holy symbol) and a new breastplate (and a bible). We went and got drunk after being accosted by a guard. Then we made our way to the Siren's Rest inn. I intercepted Silver's makeout session and got a room, Skamos offered to exchange paladin lessons and elvish lessons over baths. I was surprised by the offer to bath. -23rd of Stiriacus
Skamos and I had a conversation not just about Elvish, but about several things. He ended up falling asleep so I managed to put him to bed and start on my tasks. Silver interrupted and I managed to stave off her demands by offering to take Skamos's place in her "requested" conversation. I managed to glean how she had feelings for Skamos's sister Cre, and how her mother's potential reaction to that (and our meeting Paracelsus) scared her. I seemed to put her concerns to rest temporarily; I hope she can take some solace in my words as I did mean them. I then returned to my tasks and woke Skamos for dinner. I rounded up the other two and at the tavern we were treated to haggis and ale. As it seemed the others were tarrying I asked Tanaka to return with me. Well into our... time, we were interrupted by Skamos kicking the door in and Floran requesting our immediate silence. After they left and we finished, I was able to overhear Skamos and Silver's conversation upon their return. Breakfast was... Fine. We boarded the ship after collecting our things and sailed off.
We sailed into a storm and heard quite a few big cracks of thunder. We went above deck afterward and helped the crew, before sternly encountering what can only be described as a slug-cursed genie. The Marrid was a tough fight, but Floran felled it quickly as Skamos, Silver and I fended off its summoned water elemental. A storm raged for three days until we were approached by an Elder Tempest named Corwynteu who wanted to confront Floran. After we staved off the creature and earned its respect, including my new title of Gwyntblaidd.

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  27. Stormy Seas
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