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30th of Alitas, 1018 2nd Era

An End to a Journey

by Sovereign of Aknir Callum Mac Craith

It has been quite a while since I picked up a quill; I noticed this old journal stuffed deep into a chest after the dust had settled, probably never to be seen again. I guess I should take some time to jot down all that has happened since the last entry, as best as I can recall.
It's been two months since the end, since everything in my life got royally turned on its head. It started after our preparations on the 20th of Renovamen. We had a wonderful night celebrating and honoring Silver's birthday. We had even found a tailor in the city who helped us create regalia we could wear for the next King's Speech; something that more genuinely represented us. We had a nasty time with one dwarf bar owner, but in the end Silver made sure he got his comeuppance and then some. That night partying we had no idea what was in store, though we found rumbles when we talked to important organizational heads, including the Death Tyrant present in Sernos. The King had made separate calls to all of these figureheads to come to Sernos, though we knew not why. It was made clear during The Ascent. The night prior to the King's big speech, I was visited by my Goddess in a dream, along with my mother. They warned me of a terrible future and how me and my friends would have to take charge of the situation to save Aknir, essentially from itself. In the morning we prepared, waiting for the minutes to launch us towards the moment. As had been the standard practice, Lovrekke took care of the event and procession, including getting us onto the balcony.
As the king's speech went on, he laid it out bare. As part of the event, the dawning of a new age, Sernos was catapulted into the air by unprecedented magic, hewing the earth apart with deafening crashing and roaring. A big flying ship swam around us like a fish in the sky, another new invention for our unprecedented age. On top of all this, the King revealed his intention to abdicate his throne at the end of the war; to abdicate it to me. I took the opportunity as I was instructed the night prior. I made my own speech to try and assuage the people's fear and to prematurely claim my title as I would not roll over for this tyrant. As I made my declaration of war, of intended regicide, the king picked me up practically by the scruff and hurled me into the throne room, away from our audience. It was there that we waged a merciless battle against the king and his golden steed. Lovrekke gave us enough grief that I entreated my Goddess intervene, which she readily did. This put the King into a rage and I was momentarily ended. I was told after that Skamos murdered the king, along with Silver and Floran's assistance while I was deceased.
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to relay what happened while I was dearly departed, so I will save that story for a different log.
When I awoke I was surrounded by friends and family, happily returned to my body. Silver and Skamos were anxious to return home, and so I bade them go. Floran stayed with me as we began to roll out the announcements and began solidifying my seat as King through the proper ceremonies and channels. As if following an other-worldly inclination, I decided to contact Aterfodden's court directly. First I magically sent to Augustria, and later Aterfodden himself. We arranged for the ancient blue dragon to visit Sernos, the city who had waged war for a millennium. It was through this act of peace that we were to negotiate terms to end the war. Although shaken at first, Silver and Skamos came around to the idea after I informed them at the War Meeting which was held after their return from the desert. The meeting itself went well; Aterfodden was a model guest, and I could feel the resolution of the war as we convened in the throne room. It was agreed that he would pick the place, that we would both have entourages to witness the battle, and the victor was to be crowned King of Aknir and Righ.
The battle was held in the birthplace of Aterfodden, the magical creation of the first Linneaun dragon. It seemed fitting that this would be his end; a cycle poetically completed. In the end, despite his best efforts, he was vanquished. As per our agreement, and with the entourages as witness, I was then claimed the King of Two Kingdoms. An official ceremony was held for my title in Aknir; although there were two ceremonies; the one in Sernos stood out to me as I was entreated by someone peculiar. A bird landed on my shoulder as we concluded the procession, which spoke to me. A bronze dragon, barely the weight of a flower delicately resting on my shoulder. Oblimet introduced himself and told me of a Queen in the East who looked to make her acquaintance with me. A new queen of just sixteen years old, she wished to rebuild her kingdom and invited me to her coronation. I readily agreed, finding that it was important for me to start establishing allies both within Aknir and across Verdai. That was the beginning to this two-month campaign to begin grappling with the new era; the "Reign of Cain," as I'm told it's being called some of people. For now, I wish to simply stabilize what we have and acclimate the people to a peaceful Aknir; something none of us had dared dream of. From there, I hope to rebuild this country into one that can sustain a relative peace for all its inhabitants. Though many doubt me now, I know I will now have time to do something worth living for, and to provide a new future for all those who reside here.
Now, I will put this journal among Lovrekke's hoard, hopefully to be at least one testament to the journey toward this new era; hopefully it can provide some insight to those who may come after me.

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  2. New Leads
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  4. New Gear and New Horizons
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  5. New Friends and New Sights
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  6. New Knowledge and Revelations
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  7. New Paths and Old Friends
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  8. New Page and Young Face
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  9. New Victory, Old Business
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  10. New Beginnings, Forging Relations
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  11. New Faces New Adventure
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  12. New Friends and New Travels
    6th of Amarus, 1017 2nd Era
  13. New Sights and Encounters
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  14. New Knowledge
    19th of Amarus, 1017 second era
  15. New Recruit and Old Wounds
    23rd of Amarus, 1017 2nd Era
  16. New Information About the Cult
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  17. New Predicaments of Paracelcus
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  18. New Colleagues and New Leads
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  19. Confirming a Hunch
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  20. The One that Didn't Get Away
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  21. Tensions Rise and Fall
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  22. First Taste of Blood
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  24. Into the Depths of Noma
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  25. Into Choppy Waters
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  26. Twice the Dragon Roars
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  27. Stormy Seas
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  28. Shipwrecked
    30th of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era
  29. Accepting the Call
    32nd of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era
  30. And So They Came to Our Door
    33rd of Stiriacus, 1017 2nd Era
  31. Stars Aligned
    35th of Stiracus, 1017 2nd Era
  32. Reconciling Our Differences
    2nd of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  33. Delving Deeper
    9th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  34. Returning to the Catacombs
    10th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  35. Plummeting Closer
    11th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  36. King's Orders
    12th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  37. Thin Ice
    13th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  38. Out of the Pan, Into the Fire
    14th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  39. Crossroads
    15th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  40. Words, Words, Words
    18th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era
  41. An End to a Journey
    30th of Alitas, 1018 2nd Era