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10th of Renovamen, 1018 2nd Era

Returning to the Catacombs

by Sovereign of Aknir Callum Mac Craith

We awoke from our hideaway in the sewer and descended into the catacombs. I was able to give the team a quick debriefing about the place to stay away from, the kill-on-sight order from the king about entry and traversal of non-authorized personnel in the catacombs, and a warning to go into the bones and away from stone if we get separated. We found a small hideout hidden by a magical wall like in the sewers before. There I was able to reach out to Eoifen with Sending and he gave a cryptic response back, seemingly disturbed by my relationship with Skamos. I decided it best to see if he would take the bait, so we made our way to the designated meeting place. In our travel to the designated meeting spot, we encountered five bone nagas of the same make of the one we fought in Kraberkai. We dispatched of them quickly and made it to the destination otherwise unbothered. Upon entering we saw Eoifen there flanked by two flesh golems and a metal bull gorgon. After trying to parley with him, I realized that we were going to fight no matter what, despite my attempts to try and redeem him.
After dispatching of Eoifen’s playthings we cornered him. Floran artfully trapped his physical body from magical intervention and I marked him for death, seeing it as the only mercy we could grant someone so far gone. Silver was able to use Floran and my work to finally kill Eoifen. I took his head from the wall and his amulet. I went about casting gentle repose so I could keep the head fresh, as we would be needing it soon. After casting this ritual, I felt Skamos messing with my hair, but as he told me to continue with my task, I switched to meditate on Eoifen’s cause and death, holding my and Eoifen’s holy artifacts. Faustina spoke one word for me, which was "soon,' as she touched my left shoulder. I reached out to Cecily and Kaelyn to check in on Kaden, as the event reminded me of one the many reasons why we're here. We decided that in the protection of Floran’s spell we would rest, so we used parts of the gorgon to bar all the doors shut to deter unwanted entry and offer us some protection. Based on Eoifen’s use of Command, it seemed like he needed or wanted me to go lower, and if his master’s bidding was to have me, I believe that the hideout is deeper beneath Sernos. We will have to use our time wisely, as we will need to report to Mathias Ceinaghus on the 12th, which quickly approaches. Luckily we have more than a lead.
For now, I have prepared Eoifen’s head for travel, preserving it. I think if we have the opportunity to speak with him from beyond to grave and maybe compel him to truth, we could get some more pointed answers about where to go or what we should expect as we continue in our pursuit of the hideout. Maybe it would be worth bringing the head to King Ceinaghus, but we don’t need him to believe us yet. In the meantime, I plan on wrapping the head to protect it as I intend on carrying it with me until Eoifen can formally be put to rest. We should also try to burn his body when we have the time.

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