
Kestes is home to a great fortress, and to a story that the city is glad to tell you about. Many years ago, merfolk raiders sailed up Kordsima River and tried to sack the town with thousands of warriors. However, without support, the city was surely doomed to fail. A few hundred of the locals rallied, inspired by a great warrior, named Nikandros, who led them. For three days, and three nights, the city held against the relentless onslaught of the raiders. Finally they were relieved when the main Mesian force encircled the merfolk and sent them back into the river.   Of the 150 that rallied behind Nikandros, only 6 remained. They found Nikandros' body piled under over a dozen merfolk, and they buried him in the town center. They built a temple dedicated to Tyr, the Watcher. Now the city remains as mostly a stopping point before travelers move onwards to Mesia, or as a pilgrimage point for warriors to stop at the grave of Nikandros before they embark on some quest.
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