
Meletis is known throughout the Three Sisters for being a religious stronghold. Devout and dedicated, the city has been protected time and time again from pirate raiders, Sahuagin, and all manner of monsters. Because of this, the city has produced quiet a few paladins, clerics and other divinely inspired adventurers. Many throughout Ardicil as well will make a pilgrimage to the Basilica of Saint Theros, a massive temple dedicated to Akadi.   Grand temples line the streets, testifying to the Meletians’ devotion to the gods. These rise as both mighty bastions dedicated to individual deities and various neighborhood shrines devoted to the pantheon as a whole. While boasting a robust collection of cathedrals and temples, most of the town is much like any other. People work day-to-day and flock towards the temples in times of need or to give alms.   Inside the city, the wild lands feel like a remote threat. Perils from the sea present more obvious dangers, but a great sea wall protects the polis’s port on the Bay of Meletis, while a lengthy channel cuts through the surrounding land to reach Meletis Harbor on the Strait of Waukeen.   Rich fields and the bounty of the sea support most people throughout Meletis. The people have reputations for being accomplished weavers, skilled sailors, and religiously devout. The people of Meletis believe themselves to be the inheritors of a heroic tradition, and each person owes it to themselves and to society to strive for greatness.


The city is rule by a conclave of religious zealots, and at their head is the Archbishop. The way this Archbishop is chosen is ritualistic and shrouded in tradition, and coupled with intense politicking throughout the various temples and their powerbases all over Meletis. It is a regularly altruistic organization, and works closely with the officials from The Twelve in order to keep good relations with Straatos.


The town sits upon the Strait of Waukeen, and thus is home to a great many docks and ports. The Dockward is the hub of all trade, fishing and industry in the town is located. Under the command of the Dwarf Bereger Ironhill, it is kept orderly and prompt. Not many folk live in the Dockward and those that do usually live above their shops or near their storehouses.   The Unicorn Ward is home to the famous temples, cathedrals and basilicas in Meletis. At the center of this ward lies the most famous of them all, the large Basilica of Saint Theros, home to Akadi. It is named after the infamous champion of Acadi, Theros, who founded the town of Meletis thousands of years ago. Temples line the streets in this district, as does a particularly large park known as the Greenbrook. This district is also home to the Holy Hall, a place where the governing of the town occurs.   The Lowtop Ward is the largest district in the town and home to all manner of shops, inns, taverns, and housing for most of the locals. In this neighborhood there is the Blue Herald's Amphitheater, a public space for all. During the day many will relax and socialize in this public place, but at night various theater groups and performers will pack the amphitheater for a show.   The Southgate Ward is home to the citywatch barracks, as well as the town's armory, jail, and judiciary center. There is a small build up of housing around here, but it is usually reserved for government officials.   Just outside of the town's walls lie farms and homesteads for as far as the eye can see.
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