
A small trading port for goods coming into and out of Preslia, Rivercross is not much more than that. Those that do will barely stay a night in the fog laden town before passing onwards to Preslia, navigating the river carefully on their way north. The town revolves mainly around its fishing and its nimble riverhands who are able to ship goods northwards through the precarious Thessala River. The people of Rivercross are a superstitious lot, and many believe that the river is home to a spirit that must be kept happy if they are to continue to receive its bountiful blessings. They leave offerings at the shores of the lake to appease this unseen entity.   The large village is mainly divided into two districts, and only lies on West side of the Thessala River. the The Riverside District in the east is a mud laden center of the fishing and transportation industries that keep Rivercross afloat. Its packed with docks, warehouses, and various fishing markets. In the west lies the Greenhand District, a place for mostly housing an entertainment for the local denizens. It is also home the temples in the city, one dedicated to Akadi and the other dedicated to Tymora. Between these two districts lies Cedarlane Road, a crossroads of sorts. Cedarlane road is packed with market stalls and inns, and where most travelers stay in.


Despite Rivercross being part of Preslia, it is a very loose connection to the city-state. The townsfolk have accepted the protection of the Preslians when it is needed, and in return have allowed a locally established Publican to run the village. Currently the office is held by Ernie Nothrak, an older man who survived an extensive forty-year career as a riverhand. The locals are mostly left well enough alone except when it comes time for the tithe collectors to exact taxes. This yearly event has become something of an occasion to the lower-class fisher folk, who harangue the tithe collectors with fusillades of insults and endless pranks, each more humiliating than the last.
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