Tower of Eyes

The Tower of Eyes is a joint temple between the gods Mystra, The Magicweaver, Selune, The Mistshadow, and Ioun, The All-Knowing. Together, these represent the power of Cerulean Oracles, a group of magi, priests and those dedicated to the knowledge of prophecy and divination magic. It is said that the citadel itself was built by all three gods, and used to predict the movements of Asmodeus' demon army during the War of Divinity.   Now it serves as a pilgrimage site for adventurers, wealthy nobles, and powerful beings alike to learn more about visions or their future. However, the price for such knowledge it steep, and it is not always able to be paid in gold.   For most passing by, there is a small collection of dusty inns and other assorted establishments nearby. Small pop-up markets and all manner of snake-oil salesmen set up shop here, trying to push themselves as oracles of the divine, predicting things with their tarot cards and crystal balls that even the Cerulean Oracles cannot. So long as they do not cause too many issues, the order tolerates them, as most travelers will be hard pressed to buy their con, considering the massive temple sitting in the background.   This collection of inns, homes and shops is situated on the main road, and known as the Pass-by. It is but a small blip when compared to the larger temple.
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