Titan's Stair

The Titan's Stair began as a watchtower overlooking the entrance to the region of Preslia. As the nation grew, so did its need to protect itself from the other Two Sisters, and money and resources were poured into the outpost. These days the Titan's Stair is a hybrid between a citadel perched in the Artemides Mountain range, and training ground for Preslia's military forces.    Preslia has the largest contingent of divine warriors among the Three Sisters, and most of them are trained here in the mountains. It serves as a bastion for holy warriors and defenders that have pledged themselves to protect the land. Now that the Three Sisters have remained at relative peace, most of these warriors are repositioned to help Mesian's defend against the northern raiders or towards the East in Straatos to help with the piracy in the Step Stones. Although there is still a large contingent of soldiers stationed in the Titan's Stair.
Outpost / Base
Location under